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. 2022 Jun 17;12:10169. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14359-8

Table 3.

VLSM conjunction analysis for FMA-UL and TSRT in the entire cohort (n = 41).

Areas FMA-UL only TSRT only FMA-UL plus TSRT
Insula 817 27 30
Putamen 284 30 18
STG 234 38 10
EC 146 35 26
Heschl gyrus 80 12
R. operculum 25 76
SCR 51 18a
SLF 32 12a
IFO 168
Pallidum 72
ACR 35
SS 25
UNC 23
Temporal Pole Sup 19
MTG 14

Number of voxels in affected brain regions where damage had a significant impact on FMA-UL only (z = 2.09 or higher), TSRT only (z = 2.09 or higher), and FMA-UL plus TSRT, in the entire cohort (n = 41). Only structures with at least 10 voxels affecting performance in one or more of the 3 options are shown.

FMA-UL Fugl-Meyer assessment scale for the upper limb, TSRT tonic stretch reflex threshold, ACR/SCR anterior/superior corona radiata, EC external capsule, IFO inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, MTG middle temporal gyrus, PLIC/RLIC posterior/retro-lenticular limb of internal capsule, R. operculum Rolandic operculum, SLF superior longitudinal fasciculus, SS sagittal stratum, STG superior temporal gyrus, Temporal Pole Sup temporopolar region of STG, UNC uncinate fasciculus.

aThese structures did not appear in the VLSM analysis of the TSRT in Table 2 as at least 10 adjacent voxels had to show a statistically significant impact on performance for a cluster of voxels to be reported33,65,66.