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. 2022 Jun 18;23:509. doi: 10.1186/s13063-022-06453-z

Table 2.

Participant and data characteristics

Patient interviews N = 26
  Median years (range) 62 (42–75)
  Females/males 14/12
 Index of multiple deprivation decilea
  Most deprived (1–3) 4
  Average deprivation (4–7) 11
  Least deprived (8–10) 8
 Format of interview
  Telephone 26
 Duration of interview
  Median minutes (range) 61 (40–84)
 PETReA trial participation status
  Consent (v declined) 25 (v 1)
 PET-CT response to induction and trial arm allocationb n = 25
  Complete metabolic response (CR)
   No further treatment 9
   Maintenance 8
  Partial response (PR)
   Maintenance 4
   Maintenance plus Lenalidomide 4
 No. of participating UK sites 12
Practitioner interviews N = 15
 Practitioner’s role
  Haematologist oncologist 10
  Research nurses/clinical trial practitionersc 5
 Format of interview
  Telephone 11
  Face-to-face 3
  Video call 1
 Duration of interview
  Median minutes (range) 62 (32–81)
 No. of participating UK sites 12
Total interviews 41
 No. of participating UK sites 16

aThe Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) deciles were available only for those patients living in mainland England (n=23/26). IMD ranks every small area in England from 1 (most deprived area) to 32,844 (least deprived area). The deciles are derived from the ranks and we divided these into most deprived (1–3), average deprivation (4–7), and least deprived (8–10). bTrial participants only. cClinical trials practitioner is a reasonably new role in the NHS, which entails trial recruitment, education, support and monitoring of the patient entering a clinical trial