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. 2022 Jun 17;5(6):e2218167. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.18167

Table 2. Outpatient Quality, Experience, Utilization, and Cost Before (2011-2013) and After (2014-2016) the ACA, by Annual Household Income.

Outcome Patients, mean (95% CI), % Difference in differences
Annual household income <400% FPL Annual household income ≥400% FPL
Before ACA (n = 45 811) After ACA (n = 41 900) Before ACA (n = 17 693) After ACA (n = 17 767) Unadjusted P value Adjusted P value
High-value care
Cancer screening 73 (72-74) 73 (73-74) 80 (79-81) 79 (78-80) 0.64 .48 0.99 .26
Diagnostic and preventive testing 70 (70-71) 72 (72-73) 84 (83-84) 84 (83-84) 2.18a <.001a 1.20a .02a
Diabetes care 62 (60-63) 59 (58-61) 72 (69-74) 71 (68-74) −1.34 .58 −0.97 .67
Counseling 45 (44-46) 45 (44-46) 50 (48-51) 49 (48-50) 0.86 .47 −0.55 .59
Medical treatments 34 (33-36) 34 (33-35) 41 (39-43) 39 (37-41) 2.06 .16 0.54 .67
Low-value care
Antibiotic use 62 (59-64) 56 (52-59) 59 (56-63) 54 (51-57) −0.76 .82 −4.35 .20
Medical treatments 13 (12-14) 13 (12-14) 8 (7-9) 9 (8-10) −0.40 .63 −0.99 .28
Imaging 9 (8-10) 10 (9-12) 9 (8-10) 9 (7-11) 1.73 .20 0.77 .60
Respondent experience
Global rating of health care 69 (68-70) 73 (72-74) 79 (78-81) 81 (80-82) 2.77a .007a 2.12a .03a
Physician communication 57 (57-58) 63 (62-64) 64 (63-65) 67 (65-68) 2.59a .005a 1.86a .04a
Access to care 50 (49-51) 54 (53-55) 59 (58-61) 60 (59-62) 3.20a .01a 2.58a .047a
Encounters, mean (95% CI), No./year
Office visits 4.3 (4.2-4.5) 4.7 (4.5-4.9) 5.5 (5.3-5.8) 5.8 (5.5-6.1) 0.10 .57 0.12 .50
Emergency department visits 0.2 (0.2-0.2) 0.2 (0.2-0.2) 0.1 (0.1-0.1) 0.1 (0.1-0.1) −0.01 .27 0.00 .97
Hospital admissions 0.1 (0.1-0.1) 0.1 (0.1-0.1) 0.1 (0.1-0.1) 0.1 (0-0.1) 0.00 .84 0.01 .26
Prescribed medicines, mean (95% CI), total fills/year 10.2 (9.8-10.7) 10.5 (10-11) 9.0 (8.5-9.4) 8.6 (8.2-9) 0.67 .09 0.34 .29
Preventive visit within past year 58 (57-59) 60 (59-61) 69 (68-70) 69 (68-71) 1.81 .07 0.70 .48
Has primary care 65 (64-66) 66 (65-67) 80 (78-81) 77 (76-78) 3.33a <.001a 2.97a .001a
Cost, $
Totalb 3871 (3678-4063) 4309 (4010-4607) 4401 (4120-4683) 4591 (4315-4867) 248.53 .25 195.67 .37
Office-basedb 867 (824-911) 954 (900-1009) 1206 (1146-1265) 1327 (1248-1406) −34.36 .52 0.28 >.99
Hospital outpatient department–basedb 327 (296-357) 411 (345-477) 531 (452-610) 566 (481-652) 49.26 .43 81.31 .20
Inpatient-basedb 1170 (1069-1270) 1160 (1012-1307) 1061 (876-1246) 933 (769-1097) 118.40 .40 193.15 .21
Prescriptionsb 944 (830-1057) 1126 (1016-1237) 957 (863-1052) 1045 (930-1161) 94.38 .32 −41.86 .70
Out of pocket
Total 504 (477-530) 439 (416-461) 757 (719-794) 769 (734-804) −77.26a .008a −105.50a .001a
Office-based 126 (118-134) 131 (119-142) 239 (220-257) 278 (260-296) −35.05a .006a −45.39a .002a
HOD-based 29 (24-35) 23 (20-26) 46 (38-54) 52 (45-59) −12.20a .04a −14.59a .03a
Inpatient-based 49 (36-61) 28 (23-33) 50 (33-67) 38 (31-45) −8.79 .44 −0.75 .95
Prescriptions 156 (145-167) 127 (116-138) 200 (187-213) 159 (147-171) 12.17 .23 3.14 .76

Abbreviations: ACA, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; FPL, federal poverty level.


Denotes P < .05. Regression was adjusted for each year, age, sex, race, ethnicity, US Census region, partner status, education status, health status, employment status, smoking status, activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, Short Form–12 Physical Component Score, Short Form–12 Mental Component Score, body mass index, Kessler index, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary artery disease or myocardial infarction, cancer, asthma, arthritis, frequency of chronic disease, and primary care. Adjustment did not include primary care for the “has primary care” outcome. See eTable 5 in the Supplement for all measures.


Includes out-of-pocket expenditures.