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. 2022 Jan 5;9(1):8–17. doi: 10.1089/lgbt.2021.0072

Table 3.

Characteristics of Included Articles and Corresponding Themes

Authors Publication year Country Sample/population gender identity Type of cancer Type of study Corresponding theme(s)
Kamen4 2018 United States 273 (7 Transgender men; 2 transgender women; 121 cisgender women; 139 cisgender men; 2 other; 2 did not specify) Any type of cancer Review article with quotes taken from an online survey to emphasize key points24 Variation in providers' understanding of the needs of TGD patients
Brown and McElroy18 2018 United States 68 (58 Cisgender women; 10 genderqueer or transgender) Breast cancer Cross-sectional survey with open-ended questions Impact of cancer care on gender affirmation
Navigating gendered assumptions
Variation in providers' understanding of the needs of TGD patients
Bryson et al.19 2020 Canada/United States 81 (7 Trans; 3 gender-nonconforming; 38 genderqueer; 33 cisgender women) Breast and gynecologic cancers Qualitative interview-based study as part of Cancer's Margins project Impact of cancer care on gender affirmation
Navigating gendered assumptions
Variation in providers' understanding of the needs of TGD patients
Dhand and Dhaliwal20 2010 United States 58-Year-old African American transgender woman Breast cancer Case study Lack of coordination between cancer care and gender-affirming care
Kamen et al.21 2019 United States 273 (7 Transgender men; 2 transgender women; 121 cisgender women; 139 cisgender men; 2 other; 2 did not specify) Any type of cancer Qualitative analysis of two open-ended questions included in an online survey24 Variation in providers' understanding of the needs of TGD patients
Taylor and Bryson22 2016 Canada/United States 10 (2 Trans men; 2 female-to-male; 1 butch; 1 genderqueer; 1 trans man/trans male; 1 genderqueer/trans/Two-Spirit/butch; 1 butch/gender-nonconforming; 1 genderfluid/transgender) Breast and gynecologic cancers Qualitative interview-based study as part of Cancer's Margins project Lack of coordination between cancer care and gender-affirming care
Impact of cancer care on gender affirmation
Navigating gendered assumptions
Lack of TGD-specific cancer resources
Wolf-Gould and Wolf-Gould23 2016 United States 28-Year-old transgender woman Testicular cancer Case study Impact of cancer care on gender affirmation
Variation in providers' understanding of the needs of TGD patients
Margolies and Scout24 2013 United States 311 (10 Transgender; 165 male; 131 female; 5 no response) Any type of cancer Correlational survey with two optional open-ended questions Variation in providers' understanding of the needs of TGD patients
Taylor et al.25 2019 Canada/United States 81 (7 Trans; 3 gender-nonconforming; 38 genderqueer; 33 cisgender women) Breast and gynecologic cancers Qualitative interview-based study as part of Cancer's Margins project Lack of coordination between cancer care and gender-affirming care
Lack of TGD-specific cancer resources

The terms used to describe the gender identities of the people in the study samples/populations are taken from the studies themselves.

TGD, transgender and gender diverse.