Fig. 2.
Characterizations of IFI6-PDA@GO/SA. A SEM (left) and EDS (right) images of IFI6-PDA@GO/SA. B XPS of IFI6-PDA@GO/SA. C Gel electrophoresis results of IFI6-PDA@GO/SA. D FTIR of IFI6-PDA@GO/SA. E The ultraviolet spectrum of IFI6-PDA@GO/SA. F EDS of IFI6-PDA@GO/SA. Test elements include O, N, Na, CI, Ca, C. G Particle size and potential analysis. D = 162 nm, PDI = 0.19, zeta potential = − 14.64 mV. H SDS–PAGE protein analysis of native IFI6 (1), IFI6 released from the IFI6-PDA@GO/SA after incubated with (2) or without (3) GSH, respectively, for 48 h