Correlation plots of experimental and predicted dipolar CCR rates based on a dynamic GB3 model. RDD(I1I2)/DD(S1S2) + RDD(I1S2)/DD(S1I2) is abbreviated by R. HNN/HNN and HαCα/HαCα rates are shown on the top left and right, respectively, and intraresidual and sequential HNN/HαCα rates at the bottom left and right. The theoretical rates are calculated under the assumption of uncorrelated motion and anisotropic overall tumbling. The effective HN–N and Hα–Cα bond lengths are 1.02 and 1.09 Å, respectively. The most extreme outliers are indicated in red. The black lines indicates a slope of 1. Adapted with permission from R.B. Fenwick, C.D. Schwieters, B. Vögeli, Direct investigation of slow correlated dynamics in proteins via dipolar interactions. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138, 8412–8421, copyright 2016 American Chemical Society.