Figure 2:
Affective differences on regularly scheduled Therapeutic Workplace workdays (Workday), random vacation days (Vacation) to provide unexpected time off from paid work, and weekends (Weekend) to provide expected time off from paid work: a) stress, b) opioid craving, c) cocaine craving, d) high-activation positive mood, e) low-activation positive mood, f) high-activation negative mood, g) low-activation negative mood, h) flow-like states (total flow score), i) arrangement of EMA random prompt items in two dimensions by non-metric multidimensional scaling. For panels a-h, 16:00-09:00 (left pane within the panel for each endpoint) refers to the evening before to the morning of the indicated day type; 10:00-15:00 (right pane within the panel for each endpoint) refers to the day of the indicated day type. These intervals correspond, respectively, to the time between the end of one Therapeutic Workplace work shift and the beginning of the next Therapeutic Workplace work shift, and to the time of the Therapeutic Workplace work shift itself. Within each panel, letters indicate statistically significant (p < .05) differences: a, difference from Workday for skilled workers; b, difference from Workday for semi/unskilled workers. For panel i, the color and shading of each item represents its correlational distance from Workdays (gray) or Weekend days (red). The axis labels (x-axis as “Mood and craving” and y-axis as “Environment and situation”) are based on our inspection of the overall arrangement of the items.