(a, b) 6–8 weeks old TdTYFP mice were left untreated or sub-lethally irradiated (600 rad) to induce emergency hematopoiesis. Mice were analyzed for the frequency of YFP−/+ MPPs (top row) gated as in shown in Fig. 2c, and pro-erythrocytes (middle row left) found in BM and for the frequency of YFP−/+ monocytes and B cells found in spleen (middle row center and right) at the indicated timepoints. Shown are percent (a) and absolute numbers (b) of YFP negative and positive cells for the indicated subsets. Shown are representative histograms and cumulative data from 2 independent experiments (n=3–5). Statistical analysis was done with two-tailed unpaired Student`s t test (MPP2: weeks 0 and 3 P=0.0028; MPP3: weeks 0 and 3 P=0.0005; MPP4: weeks 0 and 2 P=0.019, weeks 0 and 3 P=0.011; pro-erythrocytes: weeks 0 and 4 P=0.027). *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001. Error bars indicate s.e.m.