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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Jun 20.
Published in final edited form as: J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2021 May-Jun;32(3):392–407. doi: 10.1097/JNC.0000000000000237

Table 5.

Overview of Instruments to Measure Stigma Among Nurses and Health Care Workers

Author/Year Stigma Domains Instrument Properties
Nyblade et al., 2013 Drivers
Stigma toward pregnant WLWH
18 core questions
Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, Swahili
 Drivers: health facilities policies and work environment (7 items); fear (1 item); attitudes toward PLWH (1 item); shame (1 item); willingness to treat key populations (1 item)
 Enacted: observed (1 item); extra infection precautions (1 item); secondary stigma (1 item)
 Stigma toward pregnant women living with HIV among facility staff who care for pregnant women: fear (1 item); opinions (1 item); observed (1 item)
Supplemental scale: attitudes toward PLWH (5 items)
Preston et al., 1995 Name of tool
21 items
 Attitudes about people with HIV subscale (1 item)
 Attitudes about nursing care concerns (12 items)
 Attitudes about social–professional concerns (8 items)
Rutledge et al., 2011 Awareness
Name of tool: The HIV/AIDS Provider Stigma Inventory
81 items, 7-point Likert
 Awareness: Global (42 items)
  Label (12 items)
Associate (4 items), transmit (4 items), censure (4 items)
  Stereotype (19 items)
Gay (4 items), injection drug use (8 items), many sex partners (7 items)
  Outgroup (5 items)
  Discriminate (6 items)
Transmit (3 items), censure (3 items)
 Acceptance: global (20 items)
  Label (4 items)
  Stereotype (6 items)
  Outgroup (4 items)
  Discriminate (6 items)
 Action: global (19 items)
Uys et al., 2009 Nurses stigmatizing patients Nurses being stigmatized Name of Tool: HIV/AIDS Stigma Instrument—Nurse (HASI-N)
19 items
 Nurses stigmatizing patients (10 items)
 Nurses being stigmatized (9 items)
Wagner et al., 2014 Name of Tool: Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HPASS)
30 items
 Prejudice subscale (13 items)
 Stereotypes subscale (11 items)
 Discrimination subscale (6 items)

Note. PLWH = people living with HIV; WLWH – women living with HIV.