Name | Value |
Beam sequence parameters | |
Transducer | 9L4 |
Bandwidth | 55.38% |
Sampling frequency | 40 MHz |
Acoustic lens axial focus | 20 mm |
ARF excitation duration | 300 cycle |
ARF excitation center frequency | 4.0 MHz |
ARF excitation F/# | 1.5 |
Tracking center frequency | 6.0 MHz |
Tracking transmit F/# | 1.5 |
Tracking receive F/#* | 0.75 |
Excitation and tracking focal depth | 20 mm |
Tracking PRF | 13 KHz |
Tracking ensemble length | 5.5 ms |
Acoustic attenuation | 0.5 dBcm−1Mhz−1 |
Sound speed | 1540 ms−1 |
Normalized cross correlation parameters | |
Interpolation factor | 4 |
Kernel length | 512 μm |
Search region | 80 μm |
Aperture growth and dynamic Rx focusing enabled