Figure 5.
Plant dynamics with a duration of 19 s for a predefined set of muscle activations for selected phasic APG patterns identified in Fig. 2C. Dotted lines indicate plant dynamics without any connected neural network. Solid lines indicate plant dynamics with a connected neural network. During the first 19 s (white background) the muscle strength of the plant is scaled down to 10% of max, and the second iteration (gray background) the muscle strength is set to 100% of max. During 10% muscle strength context the synaptic weights were at their initially randomized weights; during the 100% muscle strength context the synaptic weights correspond to the mean end weights of Fig. 6A. The first row plots relative position of respective limb and body with respect to their neutral position. Subsequent rows show individual muscles activations, kinematics and proprioceptive activity as labeled. The reason for the decline in all response amplitudes when a neural network has been connected is the leaky integration seen in Eq. 10. APG, activity pattern generator.