Fig. 4. Neuroimaging signatures of dementia.
a, b SHAP value-based illustration of brain regions that are most associated with the outcomes. The first columns in both a and b show a template MRI oriented in axial, coronal, and sagittal planes. In a, the second, third and fourth columns show SHAP values from the input features of the second convolutional block of the CNN averaged across all NACC test subjects with NC, MCI, and dementia, respectively. In b, the second and third columns show SHAP values averaged across all NACC test subjects with AD and nADD, respectively. c Brain region-specific SHAP values for both AD and nADD cases obtained from the NACC testing data are shown. The violin plots are organized per lobe and in decreasing order of mean absolute SHAP values. d, e Network of brain regions implicated in the classification of AD and nADD, respectively. We selected 33 representative brain regions for graph analysis and visualization of sagittal regions, as well as 57 regions for axial analyses. Nodes representing brain regions are overlaid on a two-dimensional brain template and sized according to weighted degree. The color of the segments connecting different nodes indicates the sign of correlation and the thickness of the segments indicates the magnitude of the correlation. It must be noted that not all nodes can be seen either from the sagittal or the axial planes. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.