Fig. 1. scRNA-seq reveals cellular diversity and heterogeneity of the SVF of adipose tissues in patients with cancer-related lymphedema.
a Schematic representation of the experimental procedure. Patients with cancer-related lymphedema (n = 5; the CASE group) and healthy donors (n = 4; the CTRL group) were recruited in this study. Liposuction specimens from the thighs were collected during surgery. scRNA-seq was performed separately for each individual. b Unbiased clustering of 70,209 cells revealed 21 cellular clusters. The number in parentheses represents the cell count. c Hierarchical clustering of the clusters based on the mean expression of the 2000 most variable genes. d Expression of the established marker genes for each lineage in each cluster. e Representative molecular signatures for each cell cluster. The area of the circles indicates the proportion of cells expressing the gene, and the color intensity reflects the expression intensity. ASC, adipose-derived stromal/stem/progenitor cell; cDC, conventional dendritic cell; EDO, endothelial cell; MAC, macrophage; NK, natural killer cell; NKT, natural killer T cell; prolif.NKT, proliferative nature killer T cell; pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cell.