Figure 6.
Enrichment of clonal genetic mutations in the evolution of bladder cancer from field effects along the luminal track in map 24
(A) Heatmap of nonsilent mutations showing VAFs in individual mucosal samples. Number of mutations in individual mucosal samples are shown in the top diagram.
(B) Boxplot analysis of number of mutations in mucosal samples classified as NU/LGIN, HGIN, and UC.
(C) Heatmap of VAFs ≥0.01 in 157 genes showing variant alleles in at least three mucosal samples. Number of α and β mutations in individual samples are shown on the top diagram.
(D) Mutant allele frequencies of α and β mutations in individual mucosal samples.
(E) Density plot showing the clonality of nonsilent VAFs in cluster α with similar low frequencies across mucosal samples that decreased with progression to HGIN and UC (Kruskal-Wallis test p value). Inset, boxplot of VAFs in three groups of samples corresponding to NU/LGIN, HGIN, and UC (Kruskal-Wallis test p value).
(F) Density plot showing the clonality of nonsilent VAFs in cluster β with a significant increase in clonality with progression to HGIN and UC. Inset, boxplot of VAFs in three groups of samples corresponding to NU/LGIN, HGIN, and UC (Kruskal-Wallis test p value). For (B) p value was calculating using ANOVA test.