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. 2021 Nov 8;106(6):1770–1777. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0450

Table 1.

Data inputs for the adapted Substandard and Falsified Antimalarial Research Impact (SAFARI) model

Model inputs Estimate SD (range) Source
Demographic and epidemiological data
 Benin population < 5 y old 1,909,000
 Malaria cases of children < 5 y old 1,774,127 WHO,9 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention22
 Case fatality rate for severe malaria in the community 0.150 0.03* Camponovo et al.33
 Case fatality rate, inpatient care 0.097 0.02* Camponovo et al.33
 Neurological sequelae rate (care sought) 0.031 (0.028–0.035) Dondorp et al.36
 Neurological sequelae rate (care not sought) 0.194 0.028 Dondorp et al.36
Probability of testing Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Économique, ICF19
 Public facilities 0.519
 Private facilities 0.296
 Pharmacies 0.085
 Drug stores 0.073
Cure rates Abdulla et al.,17 Faucher et al.18
 ACT 0.973 0.020
 CQ 0.444 0.112
 Quinine 0.710 0.087
 Other treatment 0.819 0.100
 No treatment 0.000
 Caregiver length of care, d 5 Assumption
 Length of illness, d 5 Assumption
Medication taken by facility
 Public facilities Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Économique, ICF19
  ACT 52.3%
  CQ 15.8%
  Quinine 20.4%
  Other treatment 11.6%
 Private facilities
  ACT 36.0%
  CQ 2.9%
  Quinine 30.9%
  Other treatment 30.3%
  ACT 26.3%
  CQ 36.9%
  Quinine 24.0%
  Other treatment 12.8%
 Drug stores
  ACT 29.8%
  CQ 24.0%
  Quinine 35.2%
  Other treatment 11.0%
  ACT 33.8%
  CQ 33.2%
  Quinine 18.6%
  Other treatment 14.2%
Care-seeking behavior
 Public facilities 20.7% Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Économique, ICF 19
 Private facilities 8.4%
 Pharmacies 9.2%
 Drug stores 11.1%
 Self-treatment 22.8%
 No treatment 27.8%
SF and treatment adherence proportions
 ACT SF proportions Baba-Moussa et al.24
  Not SF: API > 85% 67.5%
  Category 1: API = 75–85% 26.9%
  Category 2: API = 50–75% 26.9%
  Category 3: API < 50% 46.2%
 Treatment adherence proportions Proportions, Bruxvoort et al.;34
  Good: completes 5–6 doses 74.7% 1† coefficients, assumption
  Okay: completes 4 doses 10.9% 0.75†
  Bad: completes 3 doses 7.3% 0.5†
  Very bad: completes 2 doses 3.1% 0.25†
  Does not adhere: completes 0–1 dose 3.9% 0†
Patient costs for care-seeking
 Public, private (urban) $0.73 0.18‡ Rashed et al.37
 Public, private (rural) $0.57 0.14‡
 Pharmacy, drug store $0.37 0.09‡
 Pharmacy, drug store (rural) $0.28 0.07‡
 Miscellaneous cost when receiving treatment (e.g., special foods in hospital) $1.00 0.25‡ Hansen et al.38
 Cost of supplemental medicines $1.00 0.25‡ Batwala et al.39
 Average testing cost, private $1.79 0.20 ACTwatch Group15
 Average testing cost, public $0.00
 Additional cost for care-seeking, private $0.79 0.20 Jimoh et al.,40 Salawu et al.41
 Cost of hospitalization $1.17 Rashed et al.37
 Productivity loss per sick day $2.55 World Bank21
 Productivity losses from death $23,281.21
 Neurological sequelae disability productivity losses $9,731.74 World Bank,21 Dundorp et al.36
 Neurological sequelae disability productivity losses (addition for severe cases) $3,015.91
Patient drug costs
 Public facilities ACTwatch Group15
  Average cost of ACTs $0.00
  Average cost of quinine $0.00
 Private facilities
  Average cost of ACTs $1.82 ($1.36–$3.41)
  Average cost of CQ $0.42 ($0.41–$1.06)
  Average cost of quinine $4.30 ($3.58–$5.37)
  Average cost of ACTs $4.97 ($3.97–$6.56)
  Average cost of CQ, “Assumption same as private” $0.42 ($0.41–$1.06)
  Average cost of quinine $19.31 ($5.89–$26.06)
 Drug stores
  Average cost of ACTs $1.36 ($1.02–$1.70)
  Average cost of CQ $0.41 ($0.41–$0.42)
  Average cost of quinine $3.58 ($2.86–$4.30)
 Self-treatment Assumption
  Average cost of ACTs $0.00
  Average cost of CQ $0.00
  Average cost of Quinine $0.00
Public facility costs
 Cost per test $1.27 $0.29 Uzochukwu et al.,42 Onwujekwe et al.43
 Cost of supplemental drugs (antibiotics, analgesics, etc.) $1.90 $0.36 Management Sciences for Health,44 WHO35
 Cost per ACT $1.28 $0.05
 Cost per CQ $0.05 $0.01
 Cost per quinine $0.05 $0.03
 Cost per case (without testing or drugs) $2.96 $2.19 WHO45
 Cost per pediatric malaria hospitalization $69.30 $31.70
Stockout probabilities of any ACT
 Public facilities 5.0% ACTwatch Group15
 Private facilities 52.5%
 Pharmacies 0.0%
 Drug stores 61.5%
 Self-treatment 0.0% Assumption

ACT = artemisinin-based combination therapy; API = active pharmaceutical ingredient; Coeff = coefficient; CQ = chloroquine; SD = standard deviation; SF = substandard or falsified; WHO = World Health Organization.


Assumed SD of 20%.

Coefficient in model.

Assumed SD of 25%.