Cumulative quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction results for patients in remission, from time of diagnosis of CML in blast phase (N = 5), Johannesburg, South Africa, 08 April 2016 to 16 October 2019. The following were the demographics of patients 1 to 5; Patient 1: 51-year-old female; Patient 2: 26-year-old HIV-positive male; Patient 3: 19-year-old HIV-negative female; Patient 4: 54-year-old male; Patient 5: 37-year-old male. All patients had a p210 BC-CMLRABL1 transcript, the blast lineage was T in patient 2 and myeloid in the remainder. Johannesburg, South Africa, 08 April 2016 to16 October 2019.