Fig. 4 ∣. In vivo 3PM image of the entire popliteal LN vasculature.
a, 3D reconstruction of fluorescein+ blood vessel images acquired by 1,280 nm 3PE in an entire popliteal LN. Depth-color map of blood vessels (right). Depth 0 (z = 0) indicates the surface of the LN. b, Maximum intensity projection for the range of depth indicated. Roman numerals indicate venular branching order from the large collecting venule (I) to the small post-capillary venules (up to IX). The branching orders extending from the two large venules (order, II) are marked with two different colors, green and yellow. Arrow indicates the THG signal from the adipocytes below the bottom of the LN. a, arteriole. Scale bar, 200 μm.