Extended Data Fig. 1 ∣. Effect of LN temperature on lymphocyte velocity.
a, Comparison of lymphocyte velocities at a low LN temperature of ~28 °C and at a normal LN temperature of ~36.5 °C. b, Changes in lymphocyte velocity when the LN temperature is increased by 1 °C from 35.5 °C to 39.5 °C. ns, not significant; Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparisons test. Representative of two independent experiments. a-b, eGFP+ lymphocyte velocities at ~300 μm depth in popliteal LN were measured by acquiring a volume (202x202x35 μm3) every 30 seconds for 10 minutes with 1300 nm 3PE at each temperature. The maximum power on the LNs was below 2.7 mW. Each data point indicates an individual lymphocyte track; n = 30 tracks for each condition; the median with the interquartile range.