FIG. 1.
Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rDNA sequences from the complete EHB sequences and all almost-complete sequences of the CFB phylum available (over 370) and representatives of the domain Bacteria. The multifurcation indicates a topology that could not be unambiguously resolved. The phylogenetic position of EHB sequences did not differ in any of the treeing approaches. The bar indicates 10% of estimated sequence divergence. Sequence accession numbers: Chlorobium limicola, Y10640; Halomonas aquamarina, M93352; Haloanaerobacter lacunaris, X89075; Haloanaerobium lacusroseus, L39787; E. halophila, M26630; R. marinus, X77140; R. obamensis, X95071; and Spirulina subsalsa, AB003166.