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. 2022 Jun 17;36(1):47–55. doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2022.06.005

Table 1.

Data extraction table.

Author (s), year, study location Sample size Measures Findings
Brik et al. (2020), Spain[40]. PW = 204. EPDSa STAIb, MOS-SSSc MHO: Anxiety prevalence rate approx. 60%. 38% of pp reported depressive symptoms. RFs DEP & ANX: Existence of mental health disorders and low levels of social support. TRI: Depression scores higher for women in 1st & 2nd trimester, compared to 3rd trimester.
Ceulemans et al. (2020), Belgium[41]. PW & BFW = 5866. EPDSa GAD-7d MHO: Depressive symptoms higher during pregnancy and postpartum compared to pre-COVID-19 estimates. Increased levels of anxiety reported throughout lockdown.
Dagklis et al. (2020), Greece[42]. PW = 269. STAIb MHO: Pp anxiety levels negatively impacted during initial stages of lockdown. Anxiety levels decreased after original peak during 1st week. RFs ANX: 1st week following lockdown and being in 3rd trimester. RF DEP: Antenatal depression linked with state anxiety.
de Arriba-Garcia et al. (2021), Spain[43]. PW & PUW = 754. GHQ-12e MHO: 58% of pp indicated positive screening for depressive and anxiety symptoms. RFs: Physical health, mental health & economic worries, particularly post week 3 of lockdown. PMHD: Previous diagnosis of depression or anxiety not identified as RF.
Dib et al. (2020), UK[44]. PPW = 1329. Survey developed for study MHO: Pp experienced loneliness, irritability, worries and felt down to ‘some’ or ‘high’ extent since lockdown began. Most pp felt they could cope, and felt connected with friends and family. RF: Lower economic status predicted poorer maternal mental health. PFs: Women who received formal and informal support experienced better maternal coping.
Fallon et al. (2021), UK[45]. PPW = 614. EPDSa STAIb, PSASf PSOCg RQh MSPSSi SAPSj MIBSk MHO: 43% of pp reported clinically significant depression compared to 11.4% with existing clinical diagnosis of depression. 61% reported clinically significant anxiety compared to 18.4% of pp with existing clinical diagnosis of anxiety. Feelings of depression, anxiety and anxiety about motherhood increased. RFs: Perceived psychological changes during lockdown predicted variance in risk for depression (30%) and anxiety (33%) symptoms. Perceived social changes were not significantly associated with increased risk.
Gur et al. (2020), United States of America (Philadelphia)[46]. PW = 787. GAD-7d, PHQ-2l, COVID-19 Survey developed for study, Adapted Resilience Questionnaire MHO: 11.1% of pp met criteria for anxiety. 9.9% met criteria for depression. Black pp more likely to be depressed (16.2%) and anxious (13.9%) than white pp (7.9% and 11%, respectively). RES: Higher levels of resilience through (i) increased self-reliance and emotional regulation and (ii) increased emotional regulation and experiencing less hostile close relationships reduced risk of anxiety and depression, respectively. Findings not moderated by race.
Harrison et al. (2020), UK[47]. PW = 205. EPDSa MSPSSi PASSm RTQ-10n, De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale MHO: Approx. 50% of pp reported clinically significant scores for perinatal depression and anxiety. 62% of pp experienced loneliness and social isolation. SS: Lower perceived ss was linked with more anxiety and depressive symptoms, loneliness and RNT. Loneliness and RNT mediated effect of perceived ss on anxiety and depression. TRI: Trimester significantly impacted EPDS, PASS and RNT scores, with lower scores reported in 2nd trimester.
Harrison et al. (2021), UK[48]. PNW = 251. EPDSa MSPSSi PASSm RTQ-10n MHO: Nearly 50% of pp indicated clinically significant scores for perinatal depression and anxiety, with significant associations between RNT and anxiety and depression. SS: Higher levels of perceived ss from friends moderated negative effects of RNT on anxiety and depression. Family and partner support did not act as a buffer.
Ionio et al. (2021), Italy[49]. PW = 75. EPDSa IES-Ro CESp RSAq MHO: Regional differences demonstrated in depressive symptoms. RES: Higher resiliency levels predicted lower depressive symptoms.
Lopez et al. (2021), Spain[50]. PW = 514. EPDSa STAIb, CD-RISC-10r MHO: High prevalence rates of clinically significant anxiety and depression during the lockdown. Depression and anxiety were significantly positively correlated. PMHD: State anxiety higher in pp with comorbid psychotic or depressive disorders. Pp with previous psychiatric diagnoses scored higher on the EPDS. EMP: Lower economic status increased pp risk of experiencing depressive symptoms and increased state anxiety. RES: Scores linked with education and income. Practicing coping strategies predicted higher resilience. Scores moderately negatively correlated with depression and anxiety.
Mappa et al. (2020), Italy[51]. PW = 178. STAIb MHO: Lockdown led to significant increases in maternal anxiety. PMHD: Increased state anxiety related to pre-existing anxiety. EDU: Pp with lower education level displayed less state anxiety. EMP: Employment status not a significant factor for anxiety.
Muhaidat et al. (2020), Jordan[52]. PW = 944. Survey developed for study MHO: Subjective psychological wellbeing affected by periods of lockdown: pp felt sadder (42%); angrier (15%); reported thoughts of self-harm (0.74%) and experienced suicidal thoughts (0.95%). ANC: Approx. 60% of pp did not receive ANC post lockdown, compared to 4% prior to lockdown.
Nwafor et al. (2021), Nigeria[53]. PW = 456. DASS-21s MHO: Pp reported: severe/extremely severe depression (14%), severe/extremely severe anxiety (11%) and severe/extremely severe stress (40%). RFs: For anxiety - having a tertiary education; for stress - being in 3rd trimester. TRI: Between 1st & 3rd trimester, stress nearly doubled.
Oskovi-Kaplan et al. (2021), Turkey[54]. PPW = 223. EPDSa MAIt MHO: 14.7% of pp at risk for postnatal depression. Pp with depression scored significantly lower maternal attachment scores.
Ravaldi et al. (2020), Italy[55]. PW = 737. STAIb,COVID- ASSESSu, NSESSS- PTSDv MHO: Pp demonstrated anxiety (21.7%) and PTSD (10.2%) symptoms. PMHD: Previous psychopathology associated with higher levels of psychological distress. Pp with history of depression or anxiety more worried about COVID-19 and at increased risk of developing anxiety or PTSD symptoms during lockdown.

ANC = Antenatal care, ANX = Anxiety, BFW = Breast-feeding Women, DEP = Depression, EDU = Education, EMP = Employment, MHO = Mental Health Outcomes, PF = Protective Factor, PMHD = Prior Mental Health Diagnosis, PP= Participants, PNW = Postnatal Women, PPW = Postpartum Women, PUW = Puerperal Women, PW = Pregnant Women, RES = Resilience. RF = Risk Factor, RNT = Repetitive Negative Thinking, SS = Social Support, TRI = Trimester.


Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale,


State-Trait Anxiety Inventory,


Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey,


Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item Scale,


General Health Questionnaire,


Postpartum Specific Anxiety Scale,


Parenting Sense of Competence Scale,


Relationship Questionnaire,


Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support,


The Short Assessment of Patient Satisfaction,


Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale,


Patient Health Questionnaire 2,


Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale,


Repetitive Negative Thinking Questionnaire,


Impact of Event Scale- Revised,


Centrality of Event Scale,


Resilience Scale for Adults,


Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10-Item,


Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale-21,


Maternal Attachment Inventory,


COVID-19 related Anxiety and StreSs in prEgnancy, posSt-partum and breaStfeeding survey,


National Stressful Events Survey for PTSD-Short Scale.