Table 1.
Data extraction table.
Author (s), year, study location | Sample size | Measures | Findings |
Brik et al. (2020), Spain[40]. | PW = 204. | EPDSa STAIb, MOS-SSSc | MHO: Anxiety prevalence rate approx. 60%. 38% of pp reported depressive symptoms. RFs DEP & ANX: Existence of mental health disorders and low levels of social support. TRI: Depression scores higher for women in 1st & 2nd trimester, compared to 3rd trimester. |
Ceulemans et al. (2020), Belgium[41]. | PW & BFW = 5866. | EPDSa GAD-7d | MHO: Depressive symptoms higher during pregnancy and postpartum compared to pre-COVID-19 estimates. Increased levels of anxiety reported throughout lockdown. |
Dagklis et al. (2020), Greece[42]. | PW = 269. | STAIb | MHO: Pp anxiety levels negatively impacted during initial stages of lockdown. Anxiety levels decreased after original peak during 1st week. RFs ANX: 1st week following lockdown and being in 3rd trimester. RF DEP: Antenatal depression linked with state anxiety. |
de Arriba-Garcia et al. (2021), Spain[43]. | PW & PUW = 754. | GHQ-12e | MHO: 58% of pp indicated positive screening for depressive and anxiety symptoms. RFs: Physical health, mental health & economic worries, particularly post week 3 of lockdown. PMHD: Previous diagnosis of depression or anxiety not identified as RF. |
Dib et al. (2020), UK[44]. | PPW = 1329. | Survey developed for study | MHO: Pp experienced loneliness, irritability, worries and felt down to ‘some’ or ‘high’ extent since lockdown began. Most pp felt they could cope, and felt connected with friends and family. RF: Lower economic status predicted poorer maternal mental health. PFs: Women who received formal and informal support experienced better maternal coping. |
Fallon et al. (2021), UK[45]. | PPW = 614. | EPDSa STAIb, PSASf PSOCg RQh MSPSSi SAPSj MIBSk | MHO: 43% of pp reported clinically significant depression compared to 11.4% with existing clinical diagnosis of depression. 61% reported clinically significant anxiety compared to 18.4% of pp with existing clinical diagnosis of anxiety. Feelings of depression, anxiety and anxiety about motherhood increased. RFs: Perceived psychological changes during lockdown predicted variance in risk for depression (30%) and anxiety (33%) symptoms. Perceived social changes were not significantly associated with increased risk. |
Gur et al. (2020), United States of America (Philadelphia)[46]. | PW = 787. | GAD-7d, PHQ-2l, COVID-19 Survey developed for study, Adapted Resilience Questionnaire | MHO: 11.1% of pp met criteria for anxiety. 9.9% met criteria for depression. Black pp more likely to be depressed (16.2%) and anxious (13.9%) than white pp (7.9% and 11%, respectively). RES: Higher levels of resilience through (i) increased self-reliance and emotional regulation and (ii) increased emotional regulation and experiencing less hostile close relationships reduced risk of anxiety and depression, respectively. Findings not moderated by race. |
Harrison et al. (2020), UK[47]. | PW = 205. | EPDSa MSPSSi PASSm RTQ-10n, De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale | MHO: Approx. 50% of pp reported clinically significant scores for perinatal depression and anxiety. 62% of pp experienced loneliness and social isolation. SS: Lower perceived ss was linked with more anxiety and depressive symptoms, loneliness and RNT. Loneliness and RNT mediated effect of perceived ss on anxiety and depression. TRI: Trimester significantly impacted EPDS, PASS and RNT scores, with lower scores reported in 2nd trimester. |
Harrison et al. (2021), UK[48]. | PNW = 251. | EPDSa MSPSSi PASSm RTQ-10n | MHO: Nearly 50% of pp indicated clinically significant scores for perinatal depression and anxiety, with significant associations between RNT and anxiety and depression. SS: Higher levels of perceived ss from friends moderated negative effects of RNT on anxiety and depression. Family and partner support did not act as a buffer. |
Ionio et al. (2021), Italy[49]. | PW = 75. | EPDSa IES-Ro CESp RSAq | MHO: Regional differences demonstrated in depressive symptoms. RES: Higher resiliency levels predicted lower depressive symptoms. |
Lopez et al. (2021), Spain[50]. | PW = 514. | EPDSa STAIb, CD-RISC-10r | MHO: High prevalence rates of clinically significant anxiety and depression during the lockdown. Depression and anxiety were significantly positively correlated. PMHD: State anxiety higher in pp with comorbid psychotic or depressive disorders. Pp with previous psychiatric diagnoses scored higher on the EPDS. EMP: Lower economic status increased pp risk of experiencing depressive symptoms and increased state anxiety. RES: Scores linked with education and income. Practicing coping strategies predicted higher resilience. Scores moderately negatively correlated with depression and anxiety. |
Mappa et al. (2020), Italy[51]. | PW = 178. | STAIb | MHO: Lockdown led to significant increases in maternal anxiety. PMHD: Increased state anxiety related to pre-existing anxiety. EDU: Pp with lower education level displayed less state anxiety. EMP: Employment status not a significant factor for anxiety. |
Muhaidat et al. (2020), Jordan[52]. | PW = 944. | Survey developed for study | MHO: Subjective psychological wellbeing affected by periods of lockdown: pp felt sadder (42%); angrier (15%); reported thoughts of self-harm (0.74%) and experienced suicidal thoughts (0.95%). ANC: Approx. 60% of pp did not receive ANC post lockdown, compared to 4% prior to lockdown. |
Nwafor et al. (2021), Nigeria[53]. | PW = 456. | DASS-21s | MHO: Pp reported: severe/extremely severe depression (14%), severe/extremely severe anxiety (11%) and severe/extremely severe stress (40%). RFs: For anxiety - having a tertiary education; for stress - being in 3rd trimester. TRI: Between 1st & 3rd trimester, stress nearly doubled. |
Oskovi-Kaplan et al. (2021), Turkey[54]. | PPW = 223. | EPDSa MAIt | MHO: 14.7% of pp at risk for postnatal depression. Pp with depression scored significantly lower maternal attachment scores. |
Ravaldi et al. (2020), Italy[55]. | PW = 737. | STAIb,COVID- ASSESSu, NSESSS- PTSDv | MHO: Pp demonstrated anxiety (21.7%) and PTSD (10.2%) symptoms. PMHD: Previous psychopathology associated with higher levels of psychological distress. Pp with history of depression or anxiety more worried about COVID-19 and at increased risk of developing anxiety or PTSD symptoms during lockdown. |
ANC = Antenatal care, ANX = Anxiety, BFW = Breast-feeding Women, DEP = Depression, EDU = Education, EMP = Employment, MHO = Mental Health Outcomes, PF = Protective Factor, PMHD = Prior Mental Health Diagnosis, PP= Participants, PNW = Postnatal Women, PPW = Postpartum Women, PUW = Puerperal Women, PW = Pregnant Women, RES = Resilience. RF = Risk Factor, RNT = Repetitive Negative Thinking, SS = Social Support, TRI = Trimester.
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale,
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory,
Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey,
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item Scale,
General Health Questionnaire,
Postpartum Specific Anxiety Scale,
Parenting Sense of Competence Scale,
Relationship Questionnaire,
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support,
The Short Assessment of Patient Satisfaction,
Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale,
Patient Health Questionnaire 2,
Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale,
Repetitive Negative Thinking Questionnaire,
Impact of Event Scale- Revised,
Centrality of Event Scale,
Resilience Scale for Adults,
Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10-Item,
Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale-21,
Maternal Attachment Inventory,
COVID-19 related Anxiety and StreSs in prEgnancy, posSt-partum and breaStfeeding survey,
National Stressful Events Survey for PTSD-Short Scale.