Figure 3.
Plasticity of the Leishmania DNA Replication Programme.
Sites of DNA replication initiation in the different cell cycle phase of Leishmania, as detected by MFA-seq analysis, are depicted. Left, a schematic diagram representing DNA replication initiation activity at the indicated cell cycle stages. A hypothetical chromosome is represented in which the core (internal white region) and subtelomere (terminal green regions) are highlighted. Replication (peaks, orange line) of subtelomeres is more obviously detected during G1 and G2/M phases, whereas the core is replicated between early and late S phase. Right, a schematic diagram representing DNA replication initiation activity in distinct conditions. Upon loss of RAD51 DNA replication initiation at chromosome cores during S phase is impaired. This impairment is counterbalanced by increased DNA replication activity at the subtelomeres, which is normally confined to G2/M and G1 phases. Upon replication stress or deficiency of RAD9 or HUS1, DNA replication activity at subtelomeres during G2/M is reduced. Abbreviation: MFA-seq, marker frequency analysis coupled with deep sequencing.