Fig. 1.
Feature importance and model performance dependent on the age of diagnosis. Analyses were performed using a balanced sample dependent on the age of diagnosis (for primary cases, cases of coronary artery disease) or age at study inclusion (for controls). The following age bins were used: 30–40 years (N = 210), 40–45 years (N = 711), 45–50 years (N = 1833), 50–55 years (N = 3828), 55–60 years (N = 6012), 60–65 years (N = 6376), and 65–80 years (N = 6336). a Presentation of the importance of the different features across age. b Performance measures of the combined genetic risk scores dependent on the age of diagnosis. Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; TG, triglycerides