Figure 1.
Normal hematopoiesis in Ripk3−/− and Mlkl−/− mice under normal homeostatic conditions
(A–F) PB (A–D) and BM (E and F) were collected from WT, Ripk3−/−, and Mlkl−/− mice. Six mice per genotype were studied (three males and three females). All mice were analyzed at 6 months of age. WBC counts (A), Hb concentrations (B), and Plt numbers (C) were analyzed using a Hemavet 950FS. The percentages of CD11b+ granulocytes/monocytes, B220+ B lymphocytes, and CD3+ T lymphocytes were analyzed by flow cytometry (D). Representative flow cytometric data (E) and absolute numbers (F) of HSCs and HPCs in the BM of WT, Ripk3−/−, and Mlkl−/− mice are shown.