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. 2022 Jun 20;12(6):e054657. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054657

Table 2.

Study characteristics of cognitive assessment and score (n=67)

Year Author Mean age of individuals with AD Mean age of controls No. of cognitively impaired subjects Measure Mean cognitive score
MCI AD Controls MCI AD
2001 Parisi45 70.4 17 MMSE 23 16.4
2006 Iseri46 70.1 65.1 14 MMSE 29.4 18.5
2011 Kesler47 73.7 70.9 24 30 MMSE 28.1 23.6
2013 Kirbas48 69.3 68.9 40 MMSE 28.7 21.2
2013 Shen37 74.1 18* MMSE At 25 months:27.7 At 25 months: 24.6
2014 Ascaso49 72.1 72.9 21 18 MMSE 28.8 19.3
2014 Gharbiya50 73.1 70.3 21 MMSE 28.2 22.2
2014 Polo51 74.2 74.0 70 MMSE 16.0
2015 Bambo1 74.0 76.4 56 MMSE 16.6
2015 Bayhan52 75.8 74.9 31 MMSE 29.3 17.4
2015 Feke19 74.3 69.1 21 10 CDR 0.0 0.5 1.0 or 2.0
2015 Gao53 74.7 72.1 26 25 MMSE 28.6 25.8 19.2
2015 Gunes54 75.0 74.2 40 MMSE 21.9
2015 Jentsch21 77.2 16 MMSE 24.0
2015 Oktem55 75.4 70.2 35 35 MMSE 29.0 28.0 18.0
2015 Salobrar-Garcia56 79.3 72.3 23 MMSE 28.2 23.3
2015 Shi57 74.1 18* MMSE At baseline: 28.0 At baseline: 27.0
At 25 months: 28.0 At 25 months: 24.0
2016 Choi42 76.8 73.8 26 42 MMSE 23.1 14.1
2016 Cunha26 74.8 72.3 24 MMSE 29.1 17.0
2016 Garcia-Martin58 75.3 74.8 150 MMSE 29.8 18.4
2016 Knoll59 74.0 17 MMSE 29.0 27.0
2016 Pillai60 65.8 65.1 21 214, MoCA 26.6 21.2 16.0
2016 Trebbastoni27 72.0 71.7 36 MMSE At baseline: 28.6 At baseline: 22.7
At 12 months: 28.5 At 12 months:17.9
2017 Ferrari61 71.3 68.3 29.0 37‡ MMSE 26.6 16.6
2017 Mendez-Gomez38 N/A MMSE 27.8
2018 Bulut6 74.2 72.6 26 MMSE 26.8 16.9
2018 Jiang62 73.3 67.6 19 12 MMSE 29.5 25.7 19.9
2018 Lahme63 68.0 66.1 36 MMSE 22.3
2018 Shao64 74.0 68.0 24 25 MMSE 29.0 28.0 22.0
2018 Uchida65 65.3 65.1 22 24† MoCA 26.6 20.9 14.7
2019 Almeida 64.6 23 MMSE 27.9
2019 Cipollini66 74.0 70.0 25 MMSE 29.2 24.2
2019 Haan22 65.0 67.9 57 MMSE 29.0 22.0
2019 Haan67 65.4 60.6 48 MMSE 29.0 23.0
2019 Kim68 74.2 73.6 14 16 MMSE 24.2 12.1
2019 Salobrar-Garcia28 50 MMSE 28.6 19.9
2019 Tao29 71.4 68.9 51 73 MMSE 28.7 28.3 19.7
2019 Yoon23 72.8 69.2 37 39 MMSE 29.2 22.6 20.1
2019 Zhang69 73.0 73.6 13 3 MoCA 27.1 20.3
2020 Ashimatey70 68.4 15§ MoCA 23.0 20.0
2020 Chua71 74.9 76.7 37 24 MMSE 24.8 23.9 20.3
2020 Criscuolo33 73.1 54 MMSE 28.0 26.5
2020 Jindahra72 75.6 75.8 29 29 MoCA 26.6 14.5
2020 Jorge73 65.3 66.3 20 MoCA 24.9 14.4
2020 Karakahya40 76.8 77.2 13 MMSE 28.2 21.0
2020 Lemmens74 71.9 68.6 17 MMSE 29.3 17.6
2020 Mammadova24 N/A N/A N/A MMSE 29.2
2020 Marquie41 65.8 15 MMSE At follow-up: 29.3¶ At follow-up: 28.3
2020 Mavilio75 71.2 69.1 16 17 MMSE 27.1 25.1 24.8
2020 Sanchez31 79.0 66.0 192 324 MMSE 29.3 25.1 20.3
2020 Santangelo34 70.9 69.4 37 43 MMSE 24.9 19.0
2020 Salobrar-Garcia76 17 MMSE 30.0 26.0
2020 Sen77 61.5 60.9 40 MMSE 28.0 17.5
2020 Uchida78 64.7 65.1 14 MoCA WMS-IV HVLT-R PVF SVF 27.0 30.5 23.5 40.0 21.0 - - - - - 15.5 14.0 12.0 26.0 8.0
2020 Van De Kreeke32 91.9** 70.4/92.4†† 23** MMSE 29.0†† 24.0
2020 Wu79 69.9 69.0 21 19 MMSE 27.1 24.8 19.7
2021 Biscetti80 72.1 73.6 24‡‡ MMSE 28.9 25.9
2021 Janez-Carcia30 79.2 75.7 19 MMSE 28.38 23.4
2021 Li81 83.1 79.7 37 MMSE ADAS-cog CDR 29.1 3.0 0 - - - 7.9 48.4 2.54
2021 Mei82 73.8 74.3 19 MMSE 28.1 12.8
2021 Robbins83 62.4 68.1 15 MMSE 29.3 19.36/21.6§§
2021 Robbins84 72.8 69.2 74 67 MMSE 29.0 24.5 19.8
2021 Wang85 71.8 69.5 47 62 MMSE CDR 28.7 0.03 28.0 0.5 19.9 1.3
2021 Wong86 64.9¶¶ 64.5 11 MoCA 26.9 22.8
2021 Zabel87 74.4 71.4 31 MMSE 29 20.5
2021 Zhao88 70.2 66.6 23 17 MMSE MoCA ADAS-cog 28.8 24.9 14.2 26.9 20.6 18.0 21.2 15.7 31.9
2022 Monotorio89 72.7 54 MMSE 28.4 26.5

*Converted from normal cognition to MCI or MCI to dementia.

†non-AD dementia.

‡Frontotemporal dementia.

§Cognitively abnormal.

¶Subjective cognitive decline, no baseline data available.

**Cognitively impaired nonagenerians.

††Two control groups, one for 65+ and the other for 90+.

‡‡Both MCI and AD were included.

§§MMSE scores for early onset AD and late-onset AD.

¶¶Reported mean for both control groups.

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; AFT, Animal Fluency Test; CDR, clinical dementia rating; CFT, Complex Figure Test; HVLT-R, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; PVF, phonemic verbal fluency; SCWT, Stroop Colour Word Test; SVF, Semantic verbal fluency; TMT, Trail Making Test; WMS-IV, Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition.