Fig. 2.
The scRNA-seq summarized the differences in tumor microenvironment between UCOGCP and other PDAC. A, Flow chart described the present work. UCOGCP and PDAC samples are dissociated into single cells, captured in 10 × genomic platform for library construction and RNA sequencing. The sequencing results were then undergoing bioinformatics analysis after QC, normalization, PCA. B, Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) showing major clusters learned in Seurat package (4.0.4) in R (4.0.5). D, The proportion of each cluster in different samples. C, Clustering tree of total scRNA-seq mate data under different resolutions. Arrows indicated the resolution used in the following figures. D, UMAP showing major clusters learned under the resolution of 0.6. E, Top three markers of each cluster obtained from “FindAllMarkers” function from Seurat package (4.0.4) were shown in dot plot. F and G, The distribution of each cluster in each sample shown in balloon plot and heatmap. Clusters containing cells mainly came from UCOGCP sample (pca_ai1) were highlighted in red boxes in F. H, The proportion of each cluster in different samples. I, Cell markers in cluster 15 shown in violin plot. J, Representative images of IHC staining of KRT81 in surgical removed pancreatic tissue of UCOGCP sample (pca_ai1). Representative OGCs with KRT81 positive staining indicated by arrows. Bar = 200 µm