Fig. 7.
Heterogeneity of tumor associated fibroblast cells. A, Major clusters of the tumor associated fibroblast cells of all samples shown in UMAP. B, Violin plot showing the expression level of ACTA2 in different clusters. C, Top three markers of each cluster obtained from “FindAllMarkers” function from Seurat package (4.0.4) shown in dot plot. D, The expression levels of marker genes in different clusters. E and F, The distribution of each cluster in each sample shown in balloon plot and heatmap, respectively. E and F, Violin plot showing the expression level of markers in each cluster. G, Wikipathway enrichment among clusters shown in dot plot. H, GO BP enrichment among clusters shown in bar plot. I, Survival analysis of gene signatures in cluster 2 and 3 in pancreatic cancer using TCGA-PAAD on website Gepia2 (