The first 530 amino acids of RTA are sufficient to target ID2 for degradation. (A) Model representation of the full-length (FL) KSHV RTA and its truncation mutants. (B) Immunoblot detection of ID2 and 3xFLAG-tagged RTA FL and mutants following a 2-day 293T cotransfection experiment. Band intensities of ID2 were quantified relative to tubulin (loading control) and presented as a ratio relative to ID2 cotransfected with vector. (C) 293T was cotransfected with ID2 and 3xFLAG-tagged WT, H145L mutant of RTA, or the C141S/H145L double mutant of RTA, and immunoblot analysis was performed 2 days after transfection. (D) Band intensities of ID2 in three independent experiments, which were done exactly as in panel C, were quantified relative to tubulin (loading control) and presented as a ratio relative to ID2 cotransfected with vector. The degree of statistical significance calculated by t tests is indicated as *, P ≤ 0.001 (sample of n = 3).