A, Scheme depicting strategy for tissue processing and isolation of epithelial cells. B, Principal component analysis using PDAC-Ep vs NP-Ep DMRs. Percentage indicates proportion of variance explained by each component. C, Consensus clustering of PDAC-Ep samples. D, Gene set enrichment analyses (GSEA) of IFN response signatures in MC2 vs MC1. ES, enrichment score; NES, normalized enrichment score; FDR, false discovery rate. E, mRNA levels (transcript per million, TPM) of indicated genes. Data are mean + 95% CI; two-tailed Wald-test. F, Representative staining of STAT1 in one MC1 and one MC2 sample. G, Interferon signature score. Lines are mean ± 95% s.e.m.; paired (of mean expression of each gene in the signature) two-tailed t-test. H, Cross-correlations between indicated genes in patient cohort. Each dot is one patient. r, Spearmańs rank correlation coefficient. I, Kaplan-Meier curves display overall survival (OS) of patients with low or high expression of STAT1 or IFNsign according to median. HR, Hazard ratio; logrank-test. H-I: Data source: (25). * FDR/P < 0.05; ** FDR/P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001; **** P < 0.0001.