Table 3.
Example output from the ‘Annotate Taxa Table’ tool showing the top ten lines of a list of species in the user dataset that have already been reported as potential plastic degraders in the literature. The input datum was a taxa table generated from amplicon sequencing data through the DADA2 pipeline
ASV | Genus | Species | Plastic | Enzyme | Year | Reference |
ASV632 | Shewanella | sediminis | PCL | No | 2011 | Sekiguchi, T., Sato, T., Enoki, M., Kanehiro, H., Uematsu, K., & Kato, C. (2011). JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development, 11, 33–41. |
ASV632 | Shewanella | sediminis | PHB | No | 2016 | Sung, C. C., Tachibana, Y., Suzuki, M., Hsieh, W. C., & Kasuya, K. I. (2016). Polymer degradation and stability, 129, 268–274. |
ASV632 | Shewanell a | sediminis | PHB | No | 2017 | Suzuki, M., Tachibana, Y., Kazahaya, J. I., Takizawa, R., Muroi, F., & Kasuya, K. I. (2017). Journal of Polymer Research, 24 (12), 217. |
ASV703 | Alteromonas | genovensis | PHBH | No | 2019 | Kato, C., Honma, A., Sato, S., Okura, T., Fukuda, R., & Nogi, Y. (2019). High Pressure Research, 1–10. |
ASV801 | Pseudoalteromonas | denitrificans | PHBH | No | 2018 | Morohoshi, T., Ogata, K., Okura, T., & Sato, S. (2018). Microbes and Environments, ME17052. |
ASV819 | Vibrio | splendidus | PCL | PET-hydrolase | 2018 | Danso, D., Schmeisser, C., Chow, J., Zimmermann, W., Wei, R., Leggewie, C., … & Streit, W. R. (2018). Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 84 (8), e02773–17. |
ASV819 | Vibrio | splendidus | PET | PET-hydrolase | 2018 | Danso, D., Schmeisser, C., Chow, J., Zimmermann, W., Wei, R., Leggewie, C., … & Streit, W. R. (2018). Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 84 (8), e02773–17. |
ASV819 | Vibrio | splendidus | PVA Blend | No | 2014 | Raghul, S. S., Bhat, S. G., Chandrasekaran, M., Francis, V., & Thachil, E. T. (2014). International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11 (7), 1827–1834. |
ASV819 | Vibrio | splendidus | LLDPE Blend | No | 2015 | Raghul, S. S., Bhat, S. G., Chandrasekaran, M., Francis, V., & Thachil, E. T. (2014). International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11 (7), 1827–1834. |
ASV819 | Vibrio | splendidus | Nylon | No | 2007 | Sudhakar, M., Priyadarshini, C., Doble, M., Murthy, P. S., & Venkatesan, R. (2007). International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 60 (3), 144–151. |