N = 1020, one-way ANOVA analysis. * P≤0.05, ** P≤0.01, *** P≤0.001, **** P≤0.0001. PI: Principal Investigator. (A) Scores Pre-COVID. # = significant difference between Mid-Career PI with Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, and Postdoctoral Fellow (****). Significant difference between Mid-Career PI with Early Career PI (**). ## = significant difference between Senior PI with Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, and Postdoctoral Fellow (****). Significant difference between Senior PI with Early Career PI (**). (B) Scores Post-COVID. # = significant difference between Mid-Career PI with Master’s Degree (**), Doctoral Degree (****), and Postdoctoral Fellow (***). ## = significant difference between Senior PI with Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, and Postdoctoral Fellow (****). Significant difference between Senior PI with Early Career PI (**).