FIG. 2.
Patient-to-patient variation in NP mobility and diffusion classifications. (a) Distribution of log10[MSD1s] values for each individual NP in each patient sample (n = 30 samples). Patient samples were ordered by decreasing median log10[MSD1s] values. (b) Normalized percent of particles exhibiting each type of motion in individual patient samples (left y-axis). For comparison on the right y-axis, a dimensionless parameter is shown that reflects the extent of NP confinement calculated as the ratio of particle radius (a) to square root of the median MSD (√MSD). This dimensionless quantity approaches zero for unconfined, highly diffusive NP (i.e., √MSD ≫ a). The value of this parameter approaches or exceeds 1 for particles confined within the mucus gel network (i.e., when √MSD ∼ a). Whiskers are drawn down to the fifth percentile up to the 95th percentile, and outliers are plotted as points.