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. 2022 Jun 9;10:879672. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.879672

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics of study participants.

ALL couples with one child Have no second-child intention Have second-child intention Undecide P c ALL couples with second child Have no third-child intention Have third-child intention Undecide P c
N = 802a N = 540 N = 130 N = 132 N = 224a N = 184 N = 21 N = 19
n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n %
Age , years , women
<35 432 53.87 267 49.44 85 65.38 80 60.61 0.001 76 34.08 62 33.88 8 38.10 6 31.58 0.814
≥35 370 46.13 273 50.56 45 34.62 52 39.39 147 65.92 121 66.12 13 61.90 13 68.42
Age , years , men
<35 304 41.30 186 37.27 53 47.75 65 51.59 <0.001 63 29.72 53 30.99 5 22.73 5 26.32 0.686
≥35 432 58.70 313 62.73 58 52.25 61 48.41 149 70.28 118 69.01 17 77.27 14 73.68
BMI b ,women
<18.5 117 16.57 70 14.77 23 19.01 24 21.62 0.264 23 11.17 19 11.45 2 8.70 2 11.76 0.994
18.5-23.9 528 74.79 363 76.58 90 74.38 75 67.57 155 75.24 124 74.70 18 78.26 13 76.47
≥24 61 8.64 41 8.65 8 6.61 12 10.81 28 13.59 23 13.86 3 13.04 2 11.76
BMI b ,men
<18.5 16 2.36 11 2.42 3 2.56 2 1.87 0.619 2 0.98 2 1.22 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.700
18.5–23.9 417 61.41 272 59.78 79 67.52 66 61.68 128 62.75 106 64.63 12 52.17 10 58.82
≥24 246 36.23 172 37.80 35 29.91 39 36.45 74 36.27 56 34.15 11 47.83 7 41.18
Education attainment, women
High school or low 42 5.61 23 4.61 11 9.02 8 6.30 0.395 21 9.91 14 8.14 4 18.18 3 16.67 0.366
Junior college or university 609 81.42 413 82.77 94 77.05 102 80.31 169 79.72 138 80.23 17 77.27 14 77.78
Graduate or above 97 12.97 63 12.63 17 13.93 17 13.39 22 10.38 20 11.63 1 4.55 1 5.56
Education attainment, men
High school or low 40 5.37 21 4.22 13 10.74 6 4.76 0.028 20 9.43 12 6.98 4 18.18 4 22.22 0.088
Junior college or university 609 81.74 415 83.33 88 72.73 106 84.13 158 74.53 132 76.74 16 72.73 10 55.56
Graduate or above 96 12.89 62 12.45 20 16.53 14 11.11 34 16.04 28 16.28 2 9.09 4 22.22
Birthplace, women
Shanghai 288 39.78 213 43.92 34 28.57 41 34.17 0.004 63 30.43 51 30.18 8 40.00 4 22.22 0.486
Other place 436 60.22 272 56.08 85 71.43 79 65.83 144 69.57 118 69.82 12 60.00 14 77.78
Birthplace, men
Shanghai 334 46.84 246 51.36 45 38.79 43 36.44 0.002 62 30.54 48 29.27 8 38.10 6 33.33 0.685
Other place 379 53.16 233 48.64 71 61.21 75 63.56 141 69.46 116 70.73 13 61.90 12 66.67
Annual household incomes (RMB)
<200,000 46 5.84 34 6.44 7 5.47 5 3.79 0.288 18 8.18 18 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.002
200,000–300,000 109 13.83 64 12.12 22 17.19 23 17.42 34 15.45 32 17.78 1 4.76 1 5.26
300,000–400,000 212 26.90 144 27.27 36 28.13 32 24.24 56 25.45 47 26.11 1 4.76 8 42.11
400,000–500,000 354 44.92 242 45.83 48 37.50 64 48.48 77 35.00 57 31.67 11 52.38 9 47.37
>500,000 67 8.50 44 8.33 15 11.72 8 6.06 35 15.91 26 14.44 8 38.10 1 5.26
Parent's family situation
Both only child 389 48.50 271 50.19 54 41.54 64 48.48 0.237 59 25.99 46 25.00 7 29.17 6 31.58 0.844
Both non-only child 204 25.44 139 25.74 32 24.62 33 25.00 56 24.67 48 26.09 4 16.67 4 21.05
One of only child 209 26.06 130 24.07 44 33.85 35 26.52 112 49.34 90 48.91 13 54.17 9 47.37
First child's age, years
≤ 2 157 19.58 90 16.67 32 24.62 35 26.52 0.013 8 3.52 7 3.80 1 4.17 0 0.00 0.746
3–6 621 77.43 436 80.74 91 70.00 94 71.21 106 46.70 88 47.83 11 45.83 7 36.84
≥7 24 2.99 14 2.59 7 5.38 3 2.27 113 49.78 89 48.37 12 50.00 12 63.16
Second child's age, years
≤ 2 / / / / / 94 38.37 77 41.85 12 28.57 5 26.32 0.006
3–6 150 61.22 107 58.15 30 71.43 13 68.42
≥7 1 0.41 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 5.26
Previous history of gynecological diseases
No 672 83.79 469 86.85 107 82.31 96 72.73 <0.001 198 88.79 158 87.78 23 95.83 17 89.47 0.499
Yes 130 16.21 71 13.15 23 17.69 36 27.27 25 11.21 22 12.22 1 4.17 2 10.53
Previous history of gynecological surgery
No 735 92.57 490 92.11 116 89.23 129 97.73 0.025 214 95.96 172 95.56 24 100.00 18 94.74 0.56
Yes 59 7.43 42 7.89 14 10.77 3 2.27 9 4.04 8 4.44 0 0.00 1 5.26
The item parents pay most for first child
Education 538 67.08 373 69.07 85 65.38 80 60.61 0.161 197 87.95 162 88.04 19 90.48 16 84.21 0.828
Others 264 32.92 167 30.93 45 34.62 52 39.39 27 12.05 22 11.96 2 9.52 3 15.79
The item parents pay most for second child
Education / / / / / 79 35.27 61 33.15 9 42.86 9 47.37 0.348
Others 145 64.73 123 66.85 12 57.14 10 52.63
Annual first child expense d
<70,000 579 72.56 370 68.90 105 81.40 104 78.79 0.001 104 46.85 87 47.80 8 38.10 9 47.37 0.002
70,000-100,000 148 18.55 118 21.97 15 11.63 15 11.36 68 30.63 62 34.07 2 9.52 4 21.05
100,000–140,000 38 4.76 32 5.96 3 2.33 3 2.27 24 10.81 17 9.34 3 14.29 4 21.05
>140,000 33 4.14 17 3.17 6 4.65 10 7.58 26 11.71 16 8.79 8 38.10 2 10.53
Annual second child expense
<70,000 / / / / / 197 88.74 165 90.66 16 76.19 16 84.21 0.134
70,000–100,000 17 7.66 13 7.14 2 9.52 2 10.53
100,000–140,000 3 1.35 2 1.10 1 4.76 0 0.00
>140,000 5 2.25 2 1.10 2 9.52 1 5.26
Factors affecting the fertility intention
Family financial constraints e
No 381 47.74 286 53.36 63 48.46 32 24.24 <0.001 76 33.93 57 30.98 15 71.43 4 21.05 <0.001
Yes 417 52.26 250 46.64 67 51.54 100 75.76 148 66.07 127 69.02 6 28.57 15 78.95
Working conditions f
No 719 90.10 487 90.86 110 84.62 122 92.42 0.063 197 87.95 162 88.04 17 80.95 18 94.74 0.407
Yes 79 9.90 49 9.14 20 15.38 10 7.58 27 12.05 22 11.96 4 19.05 1 5.26
Fertility-encouraged government policy g
No 655 82.08 448 83.58 97 74.62 110 83.33 0.053 149 66.52 135 73.37 2 9.52 12 63.16 <0.001
Yes 143 17.92 88 16.42 33 25.38 22 16.67 75 33.48 49 26.63 19 90.48 7 36.84
Childcare barriers h
No 89 11.15 65 12.13 18 13.85 6 4.55 0.026 30 13.39 26 14.13 3 14.29 1 5.26 0.553
Yes 709 88.85 471 87.87 112 86.15 126 95.45 194 86.61 158 85.87 18 85.71 18 94.74
Children's educational barriers i
No 279 34.96 172 32.09 60 46.15 47 35.61 0.010 100 44.64 77 41.85 15 71.43 8 42.11 0.035
Yes 519 65.04 364 67.91 70 53.85 85 64.39 124 55.36 107 58.15 6 28.57 11 57.89

aThe sum does not necessarily equal the sample size for all variables because of missing data.

bBMI is defined as Body mass index. Body mass index is defined as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.

cPearson's χ2 test.

dAnnual first child expense: the total annual investment in children's life, education, etc.

eFamily financial constraints: the shortage of money in raising more children.

fWorking conditions: no extra time to raise more children due to work.

gFertility-encouraged government policy: A policy to encourage childbirth by providing maternity subsidies and maternity leave.

hChildcare barriers: the shortage of time or labour in raising more children.

iChildren's educational barriers: the stress of meet the educational needs of children.