Matching of SSCP products obtained from cultivated isolates (lanes 2, 4, and 6 to 9) with rhizosphere bacterial communities extracted from M. sativa roots collected from noninoculated field plots (lane 3), inoculated field plots (lane 5), and rhizospheres of C. album (noninoculated plots) (lane 10). Pure-culture products were obtained from isolates related to A. calcoaceticus (ARDRA group G) (lane 2), S. meliloti (ARDRA group CD) (lane 4), A. ramosus (ARDRA group JA) (lane 6), Arthrobacter sp. (ARDRA group JB) (lane 7), Pseudomonas sp. (ARDRA group FA) (lane 8), and P. putida (ARDRA group FB) (lane 9). For SSCP species standards (lane 1), see Fig. 3; for ARDRA groups, see Table 2.