SSCP products of cultivated bacterial isolates (lanes 1 to 4 and 6 to 9) which could not be found in community profiles. A community profile obtained from C. album rhizospheres (lane 5) collected from S. meliloti L33-inoculated field plots is shown as an example. Pure-culture isolates were related to A. rubi (ARDRA group AA) (lane 1), Phyllobacterium myrsinacearum (ARDRA group AB) (lane 2), Burkholderia glathei (ARDRA group EB) (lane 3), Burkholderia sp. (ARDRA group EC) (lane 4), Variovorax sp. (ARDRA group DA) (lane 6), V. paradoxus (ARDRA group DB) (lane 7), and V. paradoxus (ARDRA group DC) (lane 8). Lane 9 contained SSCP species standards (for composition see Fig. 3). ARDRA groups are listed in Table 2.