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. 2022 Jun 1;6(6):369–377. doi: 10.1002/jgh3.12755

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics and environmental factors of all subjects in the Australian and Chinese cohorts

Australia China (Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Kunming)
Crohn's disease (n = 100) Household members (including FDR) (n = 50) FDR (n = 28) Healthy controls (n = 20) Crohn's disease (n = 154) Household members (including FDR) (n = 72) FDR (n = 45) Healthy controls (n = 58)
Age (mean ± SD) 38.57 ± 14.08 45.74 ± 13.51 50.86 ± 13.20 52.30 ± 13.91 37.59 ± 13.57 45.34 ± 13.17 48.41 ± 13.39 43.25 ± 9.21
Weight in kg (mean ± SD) 72.91 ± 16.63 81.00 ± 18.40 74.81 ± 12.39 78.36 ± 18.35 67.10 ± 25.64 77.10 ± 32.67 80.52 ± 34.56 75.74 ± 34.75
Height in cm (mean ± SD) 170.85 ± 10.65 170.51 ± 9.42 169.07 ± 6.88 170.60 ± 11.49 165.22 ± 18.86 163.92 ± 7.39 163.74 ± 8.09 163.43 ± 23.74
Gender (male) n, % 48, 48.48 25, 50.00 9, 32.14 8, 40.00 99, 64.71 33, 45.83 25, 55.56 29, 50.00
Smoking n, % 39, 39.00 19, 38.00 6, 21.43 8, 40.00 37, 24.18 18, 25.00 14, 31.11 17, 29.31
Alcohol n, % 92, 92.00 43, 86.00 24, 85.71 17, 85.00 59, 38.82 26, 36.11 16, 35.56 25, 43.10
Family history of IBD n, % 34, 34.00 15, 30.00 23, 85.19 2, 10.00 8, 5.19 53, 73.61 38, 84.44 0, 0
History of bowel resection beyond 6 months n, % 35, 35.00 1, 2.00 1, 3.57 0, 0 14, 9.09 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
History of malignancy within 5 years n, % 3, 3.00 5, 10.00 2, 7.14 1, 5.00 1, 0.65 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
Use of PPI/H2RB/antacids n, % 11, 11.00 3, 6.00 3, 10.71 3 15.00 21, 14.09 7, 10.00 5, 11.63 2, 3.57
Delivered by Caesarean section n, % 14, 14.14 3, 6.12 2, 7.14 2, 11.10 16, 10.96 2, 2.86 2, 4.76 4, 6.90
Breastfed when being a baby n, % 80, 81.63 37, 78.72 20, 74.07 17, 85.00 85, 60.28 56, 83.58 34, 85.00 44, 77.19
Breastfed duration when being a baby (among being breastfed at baby stage), months (mean ± SD) 8.60 ± 6.63 7.85 ± 4.79 8.56 ± 5.64 6.62 ± 3.40 10.89 ± 5.93 11.91 ± 6.59 10.78 ± 3.91 10.32 ± 4.21
Education with University level n, % 64, 64.00 32, 64.00 19, 67.86 15, 75.00 88, 58.28 31, 43.06 16, 35.56 26, 44.83
Living or working near construction area n, % 16, 16.00 5, 10.00 3, 10.71 5, 25.00 64, 42.38 31, 43.06 21, 46.67 33, 56.90
Living or working near mining n, % 3, 3.00 1, 2.00 0, 0 1, 5.00 2, 1.32 2, 2.78 1, 2.22 2, 3.45
Living or working near furnaces n, % 0, 0 1, 2.00 0, 0 0, 0 1, 0.66 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
Living or working near factories n, % 4, 4.00 3, 6.00 2, 7.14 1, 5.00 21, 13.91 9, 12.50 2, 4.44 3, 5.17
Living or working near busy highways n, % 26, 26.00 18, 36.00 9, 32.14 5, 25.00 33, 21.85 10, 13.89 4, 8.89 10, 17.24
Burn coal as fuel n, % 0, 0 1, 2.00 0, 0 0, 0 7, 4.64 3, 4.17 3, 6.67 3, 5.17
>50% Smog occur in living area in pass 6 months n, % 12, 12.12 7, 14.29 1, 3.70 4, 20.00 12, 8.05 7, 9.86 3, 6.98 6, 10.34
Antibiotics use n, %
0–12 months 23, 23.23 10, 20.00 8, 28.57 3, 15.00 30, 20.27 8, 11.27 3, 6.82 15, 25.86
>12 months–5 years 59, 59.00 30, 60.00 17, 60.71 9, 45.00 66, 44.59 18, 25.00 11, 24.44 27, 46.55
>5–10 years 69, 69.00 33, 66.00 19, 67.86 15, 75.00 80, 52.98 26, 36.11 16, 35.56 35, 60.34
>10–18 years 81, 81.00 44, 88.00 23, 82.14 14, 70.00 113, 74.83 39, 54.17 26, 57.78 43, 74.14
Currently 81, 81.00 39, 78.00 25, 89.29 16, 80.00 76, 50.33 24, 33.33 11, 24.44 20, 34.48
Before 18 years 88, 88.00 46, 92.00 24, 85.71 16, 80.00 125, 82.78 44, 61.11 29, 64.44 47, 81.03
Before 10 years 75, 75.00 38, 76.00 21, 75.00 15, 75.00 88, 58.28 30, 41.67 19, 42.22 35, 60.34
Living in city n, %
0–12 months 69, 69.00 33, 66.00 24, 85.71 13, 65.00 108, 71.52 37, 51.39 22, 48.89 31, 54.39
>12 months–5 years 70, 70.00 30, 60.00 23, 82.14 12, 60.00 108, 71.52 39, 54.17 24, 53.33 32, 55.17
>5–10 years 71, 71.00 30, 60.00 22, 78.57 12, 60.00 112, 74.17 43, 59.72 25, 55.56 31, 54.39
>10–18 years 72, 72.00 35, 70.00 22, 78.57 13, 65.00 123, 81.46 56, 78.87 33, 75.00 44, 75.86
Currently 77, 77.00 37, 74.00 25, 89.29 15, 75.00 135, 90.00 62, 86.11 38, 84.44 51, 87.93
Before 18 years 77, 77.00 37, 74.00 25, 89.29 14, 70.00 126, 83.44 56, 77.78 33, 73.33 44, 75.86
Before 10 years 74, 74.00 33, 66.00 24, 85.71 13, 65.00 114, 75.50 45, 62.50 26, 57.78 32, 55.17
Running water at home n, %
0–12 months 96, 96.00 47, 94.00 28, 100 20, 100 107, 71.33 39, 54.17 19, 42.22 31, 53.45
>12 months–5 years 98, 98.00 48, 96.00 28, 100 20, 100 114, 75.50 45, 62.50 24, 53.33 32, 55.17
>5–10 years 99, 99.00 49, 98.00 28, 100 20, 100 121, 80.13 49, 68.06 28, 62.22 34, 58.62
>10–18 years 100, 100 49, 98.00 27, 96.43 20, 100 130, 86.09 63, 87.50 38, 84.44 44, 75.86
Currently 100, 100 50, 100 28, 100 20, 100 148, 98.01 67, 95.71 42, 97.67 58, 100.00
Before 18 years 100, 100 49, 98.00 28, 100 20, 100 130, 86.09 64, 88.89 38, 84.44 45, 77.59
Before 10 years 100, 100 49, 98.00 28, 100 20, 100 121, 80.13 51, 70.83 29, 64.44 35, 60.34
Hot water from tap n, %
0–12 months 92, 92.00 45, 90.00 24, 85.71 24, 95.00 66, 43.71 18, 25.00 8, 17.78 8, 13.79
>12 months–5 years 93, 93.00 46, 92.00 24, 85.71 24, 95.00 70, 46.36 19, 26.39 9, 20.00 9, 15.52
>5–10 years 93, 93.00 47, 94.00 24, 85.71 24, 95.00 78, 51.66 22, 30.56 11, 24.44 10, 17.24
>10–18 years 97, 97.00 48, 96.00 25, 89.29 20, 100 97, 64.24 33, 45.83 18, 40.00 23, 40.35
Currently 99, 99.00 50, 100 27, 96.43 20, 100 120, 79.47 59, 81.94 38, 84.44 41, 70.69
Before 18 years 97, 97.00 48, 96.00 25, 89.29 20, 100 97, 64.24 35, 48.61 19, 42.22 23, 39.66
Before 10 years 94, 94.00 47, 94.00 24, 85.71 24, 95.00 78, 51.66 23, 31.94 11, 24.44 10, 17.24
Flushing toilet at home n, %
0–12 months 93, 93.00 44, 88.00 23, 82.14 16, 80.00 64, 42.38 17, 23.61 9, 20.00 17, 29.31
>12 months–5 years 93, 93.00 45, 90.00 23, 82.14 16, 80.00 72, 47.68 20, 27.78 11, 24.44 18, 31.03
>5–10 years 97, 97.00 47, 94.00 26, 92.86 18, 90.00 85, 56.29 28, 38.89 14, 31.11 21, 36.21
>10–18 years 100, 100 49, 98.00 26, 92.86 20, 100 103, 68.21 36, 50.00 19, 42.22 22, 37.93
Currently 100, 100 50, 100 28, 100 20, 100 121, 80.13 50, 69.44 31, 68.89 31, 53.45
Before 18 years 100, 100 49, 98.00 27, 96.43 20, 100 104, 68.87 36, 50.00 19, 42.22 23, 39.66
Before 10 years 98, 98.00 47, 94.00 26, 92.86 18, 90.00 86, 56.95 28, 38.89 14, 31.11 21, 36.21
Keep animal at home n, %
0–12 months 51, 51.00 30, 60.00 15, 53.57 11, 55.00 36, 24.16 24, 33.33 14, 31.11 24, 41.38
>12 months–5 years 61, 61.00 34, 68.00 20, 71.43 14, 70.00 50, 33.11 29, 40.28 18, 40.00 31, 53.45
>5–10 years 72, 72.00 37, 74.00 23, 82.14 14, 70.00 55, 36.42 36, 50.00 22, 48.89 32, 56.14
>10–18 years 82, 82.00 41, 82.00 24, 85.71 17, 85.00 53, 35.10 28, 38.89 19, 42.22 27, 46.55
Currently 70, 70.00 41, 82.00 20, 71.43 15, 75.00 27, 18.12 13, 18.06 9, 20.00 14, 24.14
Before 18 years 86, 86.00 45, 90.00 25, 89.29 18, 90.00 80, 52.98 43, 59.72 27, 60.00 43, 74.14
Before 10 years 76, 84.44 39, 88.64 24, 88.89 14, 87.50 68, 48.92 40, 57.97 24, 57.14 38, 71.70
Self‐Smoking n, %
>5–10 years 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 2, 1.32 1, 1.39 1, 2.22 2, 3.45
>10–18 years 19, 19.00 13, 26.00 3, 10.71 4, 20.00 22, 14.57 14, 19.44 9, 20.00 15, 25.86
Currently 33, 33.00 17, 34.00 7, 25.00 9, 45.00 16, 10.67 15, 20.83 10, 22.22 14, 24.14
Before 18 year 19, 19.00 13, 26.00 3, 10.71 4, 20.00 22, 14.57 14, 19.44 9, 20.00 16, 27.59
Before 10 year 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 2, 1.32 1, 1.39 1, 2.22 2, 3.45
Family smoking n, %
0–12 months 47, 47.00 28, 56.00 20, 71.43 8, 45.00 69, 46.31 39, 54.17 24, 53.33 36, 62.07
>12 months–5 years 49, 49.00 29, 58.00 20, 71.43 10, 50.00 71, 47.02 39, 54.93 24, 54.55 37, 63.79
>5–10 years 45, 45.00 28, 56.00 18, 64.29 8, 40.00 73, 48.67 40, 55.56 26, 57.78 34, 59.65
>10–18 years 41, 41.00 23, 46.00 16, 57.14 7, 35.00 72, 47.68 39, 54.17 24, 53.33 34, 58.62
Currently 35, 35.00 14, 28.00 14, 50.00 4, 20.00 44, 29.14 17, 23.61 8, 17.78 22, 37.93
Before 18 years 52, 52.00 32, 64.00 20, 71.43 12, 60.00 83, 54.97 46, 63.89 28, 62.22 41, 70.69
Before 10 years 50, 50.00 31, 62.00 20, 71.43 11, 55.00 76, 50.33 42, 58.33 27, 60.00 38, 65.52
Migration n, %
0–12 months 20, 20.00 15, 30.00 6, 21.43 6, 30.00 14, 9.33 2, 2.78 1, 2.22 4, 6.90
>12 months–5 years 22, 22.00 15, 30.61 6, 22.22 4, 20.00 14, 9.27 2, 2.78 1, 2.22 5, 8.62
>5–10 years 19, 19.00 12, 24.00 5, 17.86 5, 25.00 5, 3.31 3, 4.17 2, 4.44 4, 6.90
>10–18 years 20, 20.00 10, 20.00 7, 25.00 4, 20.00 11, 7.28 4, 5.56 2, 4.44 3, 5.17
Currently 25, 25.00 14, 28.00 9, 32.14 7, 35.00 12, 7.95 3, 4.17 3, 6.67 3, 5.17
Before 18 years 28, 28.00 17, 34.00 8, 28.57 7, 35.00 24, 15.89 5, 6.94 3, 6.67 9, 15.52
Before 10 years 23, 23.00 16, 32.00 6, 21.43 7, 35.00 15, 9.93 3, 4.17 2, 4.44 6, 10.34

FDR, first‐degree relatives; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease.