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. 2022 Jun 9;9:877124. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.877124


The characteristics of the included studies.

Author Number of participants (bacterial lysate/control) Major inclusive criteria Study design Type of bacteria lysate Administration way Dosages and session
Avdeev et al. (8) 30/30 Patients with frequent exacerbations of COPD (group C and D according to the GOLD classification) Parallel RCT, multicenter Ismigen Sub-lingual A cycle consisted of sublingual consumption of one tablet per day for 10 consecutive days, followed by 20 days of standard treatment for three consecutive months
Zeng et al. (14) 78/72 Stable COPD patients Parallel RCT, single center OM-85 Oral A capsule (OM-85 7 mg) or placebo daily for 10 consecutive days per month, for 6 consecutive months
Tang et al. (9) 192/192 Age 40–75 years, male or female, physician-diagnosed chronic bronchitis, or COPD (for 6 months) suffering from an acute exacerbation according to the GOLD definition at enrollment and an FEV1 between 40 and 70% of the predicted value within the 6 months before enrollment. Parallel RCT, multicenter OM-85 Oral One capsule (OM-85 7 mg) or placebo daily for 10 consecutive days per month, for 3 consecutive months (12 weeks)
Braido et al. (10) 146/142 A documented diagnosis of moderate, severe or very severe COPD, according to the GOLD 2006 Parellel RCT, multicenter Ismigen Sub-lingual A cycle consisted of sublingual consumption of one tablet per day for 10 consecutive days, followed by 20 days of standard treatment for 3 consecutive months. After 3 months without any PMBL treatment, a second cycle of therapy (as described above) was undertaken. At the end of the second treatment period, a second three-month period without PMBL was observed
Ricci et al. (13) 12/11 Patients aged 40 years or older with documented moderate, severe or very severe COPD Parellel RCT, single center Ismigen Sub-lingual A cycle of 90-day treatment wherein the first 10 days of each 30 days 1 tablet of either PMBL or placebo was given. This was followed by a 90-day ‘rest’ period (no treatment).
Nishantha et al. (15) 24/21 Stable COPD patients with moderately severe or severe disease staging, presenting during May – September 2012 Parallel RCT, single center Ismigen Sub-lingual Daily on the first 10 days of three successive months
Olivieri (16) 340 Patients aged over 40 years old, with COPD stage II or III, with a history of at least 2 documented AE-COPD in the previous year, and an FEV1 between 30 and 80% Parallel RCT, multicenter OM-85 Oral A capsule daily during month 1, and 1 capsule daily for 10 days in months 3–5.
Cazzola et al. (17) 33/30 Patients suffering from moderate-to-very severe COPD, who were under regular treatment with salmeterol/fluticasone (SFC) 50/500 mg BID Parellel RCT, single center Ismigen Sub-lingual one capsule daily the first 10 days of three consecutive months
Solèr et al. (18) 142/131 Outpatients aged 40 years old of both sexes with a history of chronic bronchitis or mild COPD at the time of an AE Parallel RCT, multicenter OM-85 Oral A capsule of OM-85 or placebo per day for 30 days, followed by three 10-day courses for months 3, 4, and 5
Li et al. (19) 49/41 Patients with chronic bronchitis complicated with COPD Parallel RCT, multicenter OM-85 Oral A capsule daily for the first 10 days of each month for 3 consecutive months
Collet et al. (20) 191/190 Patients with a history of heavy smoking and an FEV1 value between 20 and 70% of predicted Parallel RCT, multicenter OM-85 Oral A capsule per day for 30 days followed by a repeat course of 10 consecutive days of therapy per month for 3 months
Xinogalos et al. (21) 33/29 Parellel RCT, multicenter OM-85 Oral A capsule (7 mg)/day for 1 month; 1 capsule/10 days for months 3, 4, and 5

Author Control Outcomes Study period Follow up Treatment duration Drop up Registration number Country

Avdeev et al. (8) Blank The severity of symptoms, frequency of recurrence of COPD exacerbations, readmissions, need for emergency care and changes in basic therapy of COPD NR 3 months 3 months NR NR Russia
Zeng et al. (14) Blank The number of acute exacerbations per person per year, quality of life, lung function, T cell subsets 2015.07–2016.07 6 months 6 months NR NR China
Tang et al. (9) Placebo The proportion of patients with recurrent acute exacerbations during the 12-week treatment period. Secondary efficacy endpoints included the proportion of patients with recurrent acute exacerbations over the 22-week study period, the proportion of patients treated 2005–2008 10 weeks 12 weeks 19 (4.9%) China Food and Drug Administration TG0504BCV China
Braido et al. (10) Placebo The primary outcome is the number of exacerbations, the secondary outcome is the time from the randomization to the first exacerbation, the average interval between the first and second exacerbation, the effects of Ismigen on symptoms July 31, 2009, to June 16, 2012 3 months 3 months, 2 cycle NR EudraCT 2007-000006-67 Italy
Ricci et al. (13) Placebo Serological changes, exacerbation rate and symptom Fall in 2019 to fall in 2010 About 3 months 3 months 0 NR Italy
Nishantha et al. (15) Placebo Infective exacerbations and symptoms improvements 2012 6 months NR NR NR Sri Lanka
Olivieri (16) Placebo The rate and duration of AECOPD, the rate of treatment-emergent adverse events 2011 NR NR NR NR NR
Cazzola et al. (17) Blank Symptoms, diagnosis of exacerbation, concomitant medications and hospitalization Begin from September 2007 3 months 3 months 0 NR Italy
Solèr et al. (18) Placebo The primary endpoint was the mean rate of AEs occurring within the study period NR 1 month 5 months 40 (14.65%) NR Switzerland and Germany
Li et al. (19) Placebo The frequency of acute exacerbation, symptom scores, and lung function were recorded NR 9 months 3 month 0 NR China
Collet et al. (20) Placebo The primary outcome was the occurrence of at least one such episode during the 6 months. Secondary outcomes included total number of acute exacerbations and hospitalization for a respiratory problem, as well as all hospitalization, change in baseline respiratory symptoms, and change in quality of life Begin from November 07, 1994 2 months 4 months 15 (3.93%) NR Canada
Xinogalos et al. (21) Placebo Clinical manifestations, frequency, duration and severity of acute exacerbations, consumption of conventional medications and serum immunoglobulin levels Autumn/winter of 1990–1991 2 months 4 months

COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GOLD, the global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease; NR, not reported.