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. 2022 Jun 9;13:902694. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.902694


Role of melatonin in inducing stress tolerance in transgenic plant species.

Crop species Genes Stress Characteristics References
Tomato SlCOMT1 Salt stress The over-expression of SlCOMT1 genes enhanced the crop growth, biomass production, proline contents and reduced the H2O2 contents by increasing the activities of SOD Liu et al., 2019
Alfalfa MsSNAT Cadmium stress The increase in expression of MsSNAT increased the endogenous MT, root length, chlorophyll contents and decreased the H2O2 accumulation Cd accumulation in plant roots Gu et al., 2017
Switch grass oAANAT; oHIOMT Salt stress The increase in genes expression increased the plant height, stress growth, proline contents, leaf water status, and decreased MDA accumulation, electrolyte leakage, and Na+ accumulation Huang et al., 2017
Tomato oHIOMT Drought stress The overexpression of oHIOMT increased the drought tolerance and decreased the leaf wilting and dehydration rate Wang et al., 2014
Tobacco MzASMT 1 Salt stress The over-expression of the MzASMT 1 gene increased the MT contents, plant height, biomass production, leaf water status, chlorophyll contents, proline accumulation, and reduced the MDA contents by increasing activities of anti-oxidants Zhuang et al., 2020
Arabidopsis TaCOMT Drought stress Over-expression of TaCOMT increased GA and IAA accumulation, decreased ABA accumulation, increased endogenous MT accumulation Yang et al., 2019
Arabidopsis VvSNAT1 Salt tolerance The over-expression of VvSNAT1 increased the endogenous MT contents, reduced leaf wilting, increased germination and biomass production, and decreased the MDA and H2O2 accumulation Wu et al., 2021b