Study | Reason for exclusion |
Ashish 2012 | Protocol for a pre‐post intervention study of Help Babies Breathe in Nepal |
Boo 2009 | Observational and not a randomised study |
Carlo 2010c | Not a randomised study. Pre‐post intervention study design |
Cavaleiro 2009 | Participants were medical students and not healthcare providers |
Chomba 2008 | Not a randomised study. WHO newborn care training that included neonatal resuscitation but was a pre‐ and post‐intervention study |
Curran 2015 | Participants were medical students and not healthcare providers |
Deindl 2015 | Not a randomised study and participants were 4th year medical students and not healthcare providers |
Deorari 2001 | Not a randomised study. Pre‐ and post‐intervention study performed in 14 teaching hospitals in India |
Duran 2008a | Not a randomised study. Assessed the impact of NRP in Turkey before and after NRP training |
Duran 2008b | Not a randomised study. Pre‐ and post‐intervention study of retention of knowledge and skills related to NRP among paediatric trainees |
Durojaiye 2002 | Not a randomised study. Pre‐ and post‐intervention study of the effect of a 1‐day paediatric life‐support course on the knowledge of paediatric trainees |
Ergenekon 2000 | Not a randomised study. Pre‐ and post‐intervention study of trainees |
Ersdal 2013 | Not a randomised trial. A 7‐month follow‐up of practical skills retention following course in Helping Babies Breathe |
Finan 2012 | Comparison of high‐fidelity with low‐fidelity simulation on the impact of a neonatal resuscitation programme |
Goudar 2013 | Not a randomised trial. A pre‐ and post‐intervention type study of Helping Babies Breathe |
Hubballi 2014 | The participants are auxiliary nurse midwife students and not healthcare providers |
López‐Herce 1999 | Not a randomised study. A pre‐ and post‐intervention study of participants evaluation of the course |
Mathai 2015 | Not a randomised study. A prospective, comparative, observational study to determine the ease and effectiveness of training of healthcare personnel in use of the self inflating bag or the T‐piece resuscitator using infant training manikins |
Msemo 2013 | Not a randomised trial. A pre‐ and post‐intervention study of Helping Babies Breathe |
Nadler 2011 | Not a randomised study. Assessed the usefulness of video debriefings on teamwork in newborn resuscitation |
Patel 2001 | Not a randomised study. Retrospective time cohort evaluation for changes in Apgar scores pre and post intervention with NRP |
Patel 2002 | Not a randomised study. Retrospective evaluation in Apgar scores pre and post introduction of NRP |
Senarath 2007 | A community‐based cluster‐randomised trial that did not report our pre‐specified outcomes |
Singhal 2001 | Not a randomised study. Assessment of telephonic questionnaire on newborn resuscitation |
Skidmore 2001 | Not a randomised study. Pre and post intervention and 6‐month retention of knowledge and skills study among birth room healthcare professionals |
Tan 2014 | A non‐randomised study on quality of cardiac compressions in resuscitation trained neonatal staff |
Trevisanuto 2005 | Not a randomised study. Questionnaire of knowledge related to NRP immediately and 6 months after NRP in paediatric residents |
Trevisanuto 2007 | Not a randomised study. Questionnaire of knowledge related to NRP before and immediately after NRP, comparing cities in Italy and Sudan |
Walker 2014 | A non‐randomised study with pair‐matched hospital‐based implementation trial of PRONTO (Programa de Rescate Obstetrico y Neonatal: Tratamiento optimo y Oportuno), a highly‐realistic, low‐tech simulation‐based obstetric and neonatal emergency training programme |
NRP: Neonatal Resuscitation Program; WHO: World Health Organization.