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. 2015 Sep 4;2015(9):CD009106. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009106.pub2
Study Reason for exclusion
Ashish 2012 Protocol for a pre‐post intervention study of Help Babies Breathe in Nepal
Boo 2009 Observational and not a randomised study
Carlo 2010c Not a randomised study. Pre‐post intervention study design
Cavaleiro 2009 Participants were medical students and not healthcare providers
Chomba 2008 Not a randomised study. WHO newborn care training that included neonatal resuscitation but was a pre‐ and post‐intervention study
Curran 2015 Participants were medical students and not healthcare providers
Deindl 2015 Not a randomised study and participants were 4th year medical students and not healthcare providers
Deorari 2001 Not a randomised study. Pre‐ and post‐intervention study performed in 14 teaching hospitals in India
Duran 2008a Not a randomised study. Assessed the impact of NRP in Turkey before and after NRP training
Duran 2008b Not a randomised study. Pre‐ and post‐intervention study of retention of knowledge and skills related to NRP among paediatric trainees
Durojaiye 2002 Not a randomised study. Pre‐ and post‐intervention study of the effect of a 1‐day paediatric life‐support course on the knowledge of paediatric trainees
Ergenekon 2000 Not a randomised study. Pre‐ and post‐intervention study of trainees
Ersdal 2013 Not a randomised trial. A 7‐month follow‐up of practical skills retention following course in Helping Babies Breathe
Finan 2012 Comparison of high‐fidelity with low‐fidelity simulation on the impact of a neonatal resuscitation programme
Goudar 2013 Not a randomised trial. A pre‐ and post‐intervention type study of Helping Babies Breathe
Hubballi 2014 The participants are auxiliary nurse midwife students and not healthcare providers
López‐Herce 1999 Not a randomised study. A pre‐ and post‐intervention study of participants evaluation of the course
Mathai 2015 Not a randomised study. A prospective, comparative, observational study to determine the ease and effectiveness of training of healthcare personnel in use of the self inflating bag or the T‐piece resuscitator using infant training manikins
Msemo 2013 Not a randomised trial. A pre‐ and post‐intervention study of Helping Babies Breathe
Nadler 2011 Not a randomised study. Assessed the usefulness of video debriefings on teamwork in newborn resuscitation
Patel 2001 Not a randomised study. Retrospective time cohort evaluation for changes in Apgar scores pre and post intervention with NRP
Patel 2002 Not a randomised study. Retrospective evaluation in Apgar scores pre and post introduction of NRP
Senarath 2007 A community‐based cluster‐randomised trial that did not report our pre‐specified outcomes
Singhal 2001 Not a randomised study. Assessment of telephonic questionnaire on newborn resuscitation
Skidmore 2001 Not a randomised study. Pre and post intervention and 6‐month retention of knowledge and skills study among birth room healthcare professionals
Tan 2014 A non‐randomised study on quality of cardiac compressions in resuscitation trained neonatal staff
Trevisanuto 2005 Not a randomised study. Questionnaire of knowledge related to NRP immediately and 6 months after NRP in paediatric residents
Trevisanuto 2007 Not a randomised study. Questionnaire of knowledge related to NRP before and immediately after NRP, comparing cities in Italy and Sudan
Walker 2014 A non‐randomised study with pair‐matched hospital‐based implementation trial of PRONTO (Programa de Rescate Obstetrico y Neonatal: Tratamiento optimo y Oportuno), a highly‐realistic, low‐tech simulation‐based obstetric and neonatal emergency training programme

NRP: Neonatal Resuscitation Program; WHO: World Health Organization.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure