in vivo |
ascorbic acid/25 to 1000 mg |
63 male subjects |
As vitamin C dose was increased
from 25 to 1000 mg, absorption
of iron showed an increase from 0.8% to 7.1% in male subjects who
were fed with a liquid formula meal containing 4.1 mg of iron. |
(56) |
in vitro |
ascorbic acid/- |
caco-2 cell |
Ascorbic acid enhanced the absorption only when
it was added
along with the digests to Caco-2 cells during the iron uptake study. |
(50) |
in vitro |
ascorbic acid/- |
caco-2 cells |
While phytic acid, sodium oxalate, and sodium
silicate decrease
iron absorption, ascorbic acid has the ability to counteract their
inhibitory effects. |
(51) |
in vivo |
animal tissue/25 g |
8 healthy infants 43–49 weeks of age |
of meat to the vegetable puree significantly increased
the nonheme iron absorption. |
(64) |
in vivo |
animal tissue/25, 50,
or 75 g |
45 healthy women with a mean age of 24 ± 3 years |
Dose–response increase was observed when
pork meat was
added to a high-phytate, low-ascorbic-acid meal. |
(65) |
While 25 g of meat did not influence the nonheme
iron absorption,
inclusion of 50 and 75 g of meat increased the absorption significantly
(44% and 57%, respectively). |
in vivo |
animal tissue/- |
randomized crossover trial in 21 young women with low iron
stores |
Addition of fish to high-phytate bean meal enhanced
the iron
bioavailability. |
(66) |
in vitro |
animal tissue/- |
caco-2 cell |
Caco-2 cells’ response to nonheme iron
from infant rice
was significantly increased by bovine coproducts (kidney, lung, and
heart). |
(67) |
For the kidney, lung,
and heart, relative uptake of iron was
found to be 207.13%, 171.21%, and 265.28%, respectively. |
in vivo |
phytate/- |
58 men and 60 women, aged 19–58 years |
Iron absorption was significantly increased
by the removal
of phytates in bran. |
(74) |
The addition of potassium and magnesium phytates in amounts
present in bran showed an inhibition of iron absorption. |
in vivo |
phytate/seven dose levels from 2 to 250 mg |
34 men and 90 women,
aged 19–47 years |
Inhibitory effect of phytate was dose dependent. |
(76) |
Ascorbic acid may reduce the inhibitory impact of
phytate. |
in vivo |
phytate/718 to 1190 mg/d in
the high-phyate group and 623 to 385 mg/d in the low phytate group |
32 nonanemic females, 18–35 years of age, with suboptimal iron stores |
Inhibitory effects of phytate on nonheme iron absorption were
lessened by eating a high-phytate diet on a regular basis in young
women with low iron status. |
(79) |
in vivo |
phytate/- |
720 pregnant women |
Bioavailability of iron and calcium
in the diets of pregnant
women was inhibited by phytate intake. |
(78) |
in vivo |
phytate/77 ± 11 mg |
102 females aged between
20 and 30 years |
12 weeks of high-phytate wholegrain
bread consumption had no
effect on iron status in women at reproductive age. |
(80) |
in vivo |
phytate/817 ± 21 mg |
14 women aged 19–42 years
who were not habitually consuming iron-containing nutritional supplements |
A significant effect of phytate content on iron absorption
was not found when porridge was fortified with iron in the form of
either sodium iron EDTA or ferrous sulfate. |
(81) |
in vivo |
polyphenols/from 52 to 396 mg |
23 males and 54 females aged
19–40 years |
Black tea was more inhibitory than
cocoa and more inhibitory
than herbal teas camomile, vervain, lime flower, and pennyroyal but
equivalent to peppermint tea at the same total polyphenol content. |
(82) |
in vivo |
50, and 200 mg |
97 apparently
nonpregnant, nonlactating women aged between
18 and 45 years and weighing below 60 kg |
Red bean polyphenols inhibited iron bioavailability
While 20 mg of bean polyphenols had no effect on iron absorption,
50 mg and 200 mg lowered iron bioavailability by 18% and 45%, respectively. |
(83) |
in vitro |
polyphenols/- |
caco-2 cell |
Polyphenolic compounds inhibited the heme iron absorption in
a dose-dependent manner. |
(121) |
In small amounts of polyphenols (≤4.6 mg/L) ascorbic acid counteracted the inhibitory effect;
however, in higher levels (46 mg/L), it could not modulate the inhibition. |
in vivo |
polyphenols/- |
17 mother–child pairs |
tea reduced iron absorption from wheat bread
fortified with ferrous sulfate or ferrous fumarate by 56–72%. |
(89) |
in vivo |
polyphenols/492 mg |
50 women aged 21–30 years |
In both IDA and
nonanemic women, tea consumption decreased
iron absorption from NaFeEDTA by more than 85%. |
(90) |
in vitro |
polyphenols/- |
caco-2 cell |
Catechin, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, kaempferol, and kaempferol
3-glucoside promoted iron uptake, while myricetin, myricetin 3-glucoside,
quercetin, and quercetin 3-glucoside showed an inhibitory effect. |
(84) |
in vivo |
calcium/100 and 200 mg |
788 children aged 6–11 years |
As the ascorbic acid and calcium did not exist,
iron absorption
from the casein/whey-based drink was 20% lower in iron-repleted children
than the ones with IDA. |
(97) |
Calcium addition decreased the mean iron absorption by 18–27%. |
in vivo |
calcium/500 mg |
13 premenopausal
women with pre-existing marginal
Fe status aged 28–35 years |
Iron absorption from a single meal was reduced from 10.2% to
4.8%. |
(95) |
The extent of the calcium
impact differed significantly across
subjects having similar iron stores. |
in vitro |
proteins/30 g |
simulated gastrointestinal digestion |
Iron absorption decreased by the substitution of casein or
whey protein for egg white. Mean absorption values fell from 6.67
to 3.65% and 2.53 to 0.98%, respectively. |
(122) |
in vivo |
proteins/30 g |
15 men and 19 women ranging in age
from 18 to 45 years |
Iron absorption of completely dephytinized
glycinin was found
to be 124% compared to egg white; however, relative absorption of
completely dephytinized conglycinin was only 44%. Conglycinin fraction
of soybean proteins was reported to be an inhibitor of iron absorption. |
(105) |
in vivo |
prebiotic/4% of the diet |
female albino rats (ten-week-old) |
Yogurt containing
long-chain inulin was more effective for
iron absorption than yogurt containing short-chain inulin. |
(111) |
Fe2(SO4)3 and long-chain inulin
fortified yogurt increased the iron bioavailability. In addition,
liver function and the antioxidant capacity were improved. |
in vivo |
prebiotic/- |
24 healthy women aged 35–45 years |
No significant differences were observed in heme and nonheme
iron bioavailability in the control group. |
(109) |
Bioavailability of heme iron from the prebiotic group increased
significantly by 56% after prebiotic intake. |
No significant differences were observed in nonheme iron bioavailability. |
in vivo |
prebiotic/∼20 g |
36 nonpregnant, nonlactating
women with low iron status, aged
between 18 and 40 years and with a body weight <65 kg |
Inulin enhanced the iron absorption
by 14% which was statistically
insignificant. |
(110) |