Fig. 7.
The classification accuracy on FC derived from emoid-fMRI in different functional-network-blocked cases. The models were tested under the condition that a particular brain functional network was blocked. The full names of brain functional networks are: no brain functional networks were blocked (No block), sensorimotor network (SM) with 35 ROIs, cingulo-opercular task control (CNG) with 14 ROIs, auditory network (AUD) with 13 ROIs, default mode network (DMN) with 58 ROIs, memory retrieval network (MEM) with 5 ROIs, visual network (VIS) With 31 ROIs, Fronto-parietal Task Control (FRN) with 25 ROIs, salience network (SAL) with 18 ROIs, subcortical network (SCT) with 13 ROIs, ventral attention (VTRL) with 9 ROIs, dorsal attention (DSL) with 11 ROIs, cerebellum (CB) with 4 ROIs.(a) describes the result of the accuracy alteration via blocking specific brain functional network, and (b) shows the ROI-level average occlusion sensitivity in the specific brain functional network.