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. 2021 Oct 11;3(4):183–193. doi: 10.1016/j.smhs.2021.09.004

Table 1.

Frequently used measurements of glycemic variability.

Glycemic variability measurement Calculation definition Strengths Limitations Author (publication date)
Standard deviation (SD) SD of all glucose concentrations in a distribution. Simple, classical statistical method. Does not account for skewed distributions or outliers. Rodbard D (2009)25; Hirsch IB & Brownlee M (2005)2; Rodbard D (2018)18
Percent coefficient of variation (%CV) (SD÷mean) ​× ​100
SD and mean value of all glucose concentrations in a distribution.
Simple, classical statistical method.
Incorporates both the SD and mean value of a distribution.
Does not account for skewed distributions or outliers. Rodbard D (2009)25; Hirsch IB & Brownlee M (2005)2; Rodbard D (2018)18
Mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE) Average amplitude of upstrokes or downstrokes with a magnitude > 1 SD above the mean value for all glucose concentrations. Account for physiological fluctuations due to events throughout the day.
e.g. meals, exercise
Less efficient to calculate than SD, while providing similar outcomes. Service FJ et al. (1970)22; Service FJ & Nelson
RL (1980)23; Service et al. (1987)24
Continuous overlapping net glycemic action over n-h (CONGA-n) The SD of the difference between 2 glucose concentrations obtained exactly n h apart. Potential to address a variety of clinical questions.
CONGA-1 to CONGA-4 valid and reliable when accounting for corresponding times between different activities.
Validity and reliability decrease once time frame > 4 ​h in a controlled setting. McDonnell CM et al. (2005)26; Nathan DM et al. (2008)27; Kuenen JC et al.
Mean of daily differences (MODD) Mean of absolute differences between glucose values obtained at the same time of day on 2 consecutive days under standardized conditions.
Mean of absolute differences in glucose values over > 2 days between any value and the value exactly 24 ​h later.
Describes between-day variability.
Ability to permit use of data from > 2 unstructured days.
Originally defined for 2 consecutive days assuming similar meals, activities, and therapy on both days. Service FJ & Nelson RL (1980)23; Service et al.

Table 1 provides frequently used measurements of glycemic variability, which includes the calculation definition of each glycemic variability measurement with further consideration for strengths and limitations of each glycemic variability measurement.

SD ​= ​standard deviation; %CV ​= ​percentage coefficient of variation; MAGE ​= ​mean amplitude of glycemic excursions; CONGA-n ​= ​continuous overlapping net glycemic action over n-h; MODD ​= ​mean of daily differences.