Figure 5.
(A–D), sequential dissection of the nervus ulnaris, whit the distal region of the carpus located at the left. (A,B) are slightly oblique. Double black asterisk: lateral septum of the canalis carpi; black asterisk: fat pad superficial to the accessory carpal bone; white asterisk: flexor carpi ulnaris muscle; black arrowhead: arteria ulnaris; black arrow: nervus ulnaris proximal to the accessory carpal bone; double-headed arrow: canalis carpi; double white asterisk: accessory-metacarpal ligament; white arrowhead: superficial branch of the arteria and nervus ulnaris; white arrow: nervus ulnaris distal to the accessory-metacarpal ligament; open arrow: abductor digiti V muscle; open arrowhead: flexor digiti V muscle. (E,F): complementary transverse slices of the carpus at the level of (E), the accessory carpal bone (ACB) and (F), the carpal bones (I–V), with magnification of the nervus ulnaris and supporting histologic sections stained with OMSB. In the left corner below the transverse slices, a scheme represents their corresponding level at the carpus.