Table A3.
Resistance mediated by mutations affecting function/expression of porins and efflux pumps.
Target Genes/Involved Porins/Efflux Pumps | Organism(s) | Findings |
ompK35, ompK36, ompK37 (porins) | K. pneumoniae |
ompC, ompF (porins) | Enterobacter spp. |
oprD (porin) | P. aeruginosa |
ChrA (heavy metal iron transporter), SugE (efflux pump) | K. pneumoniae | n = 7 cefiderocol-resistant (MIC > 2 mg/L) and CR K. pneumoniae clinical isolates were compared by WGS with n = 8 cefiderocol-susceptible CR K. pneumoniae isolates. ChrA expression was detected in five of seven cefiderocol-resistant isolates but only one of eight cefiderocol-susceptible isolates [37]. SugE expression was detected in two of seven cefiderocol-resistant isolates but none of the cefiderocol-susceptible isolates [37]. |
mexR or nalD (repressors of MexAB–OprM efflux pump) * | P. aeruginosa * | Based on isogenic mutants: mutations in mexR or nalD leading to overexpression of the MexAB–OprM efflux pump were associated with 2-fold higher cefiderocol MIC (0.125→0.25 mg/L) in P. aeruginosa, while mutations in mexB or oprM (resulting in loss of function of the MexAB–OprM efflux pump) resulted in a 2-fold lower cefiderocol MIC [47]. |
smeT ** | S. maltophilia ** | SmeT promoter mutation (resulting in overexpression of the efflux pump smeDEF) was detected in an in vitro derived cefiderocol-resistant mutant [60]. |
AxyABM (efflux pump) * | A. xylosoxidans * | Overexpression of AxyABM was associated with a 3-fold higher cefiderocol MIC when comparing two isogenic A. xylosoxidans isolates (0.032→0.094 mg/L). Disruption of the efflux pump was associated with 2- to 23.5-fold lower cefiderocol MICs [51]. |
In bold are mechanisms of resistance of which the role has been confirmed in isogenic mutant experiments (group 5 studies, see “Eligibility criteria” in Methods) and that have been detected in cefiderocol-resistant clinical isolates (group 1–3 studies, see “Eligibility criteria” in Methods). * Based only on in vitro isogenic mutant experiments (group 5 studies, see “Eligibility criteria” in Methods). ** Based only on in vitro derived mutants (group 4 studies, see “Eligibility criteria” in Methods).