Host Camkk2 ablation decreased tumor growth, cancer cell size, and mTOR signaling in syngeneic mouse models of prostate cancer. (A) Schema for syngeneic mouse experiment. C57BL6 RM-9 (B) and TRAMP-C2 (C) murine prostate cancer cells were subcutaneously injected into syngeneic Camkk2+/+ and Camkk2−/− host mice and tumor growth was monitored over time (RM-9/Camkk2 WT n = 12; RM-9/Camkk2 KO n = 9; TRAMP-C2/Camkk2 WT n = 10; TRAMP-C2/Camkk2 KO n = 11). (D) RM-9 and (E) TRAMP-C2 average cell areas and average cell volumes were quantified from harvested tumors (left). In addition, % positive staining of p-S6 in syngeneic tumors (WT n = 3, KO n = 3) was quantified (right). ns = not significant; * p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001. For each morphometric analysis, n > 1 × 106 cells/group.