Table 2.
Summary of “Exciting School” program.
Domain | Aims | Activities |
Emotional Recognition, Comprehension, and Expression | To recognize one’s own simple emotions To recognize simple interpersonal emotions To recognize the causes of emotions To acquire and use vocabulary to describe emotions To recognize own and other complex emotions To understand the causes of complex emotions To understand the causes of emotional ambivalence situations |
SESSION 1: The Parcheesi of emotions. Kahoot! Homework: The diary of emotions and Body Scanner. SESSION 2: In my neighbor’s shoes. Kahoot! Homework: Little Sherlock: Investigating the emotions around me. SESSION 3: Let’s play: Guess how I feel in my daily life. Kahoot! Homework: How I feel, how I do? |
Emotional Self-regulation | To learn basic sensory strategies for self-regulation To learn complex strategies for self-regulation To apply techniques to change the negative emotional state |
SESSION 4: Move and keep calm! Kahoot! Homework: my sensory world and my calm: The bottle of calm. SESSION 5: The traffic light and Spaghetti techniques. Kahoot! Homework: Practice spaghetti with the traffic light in my daily life. The diary of anger. SESSION 6: The tale of the turtle. Kahoot! Homework: The Turtle Bookmark. SESSION 7: Collage of coping strategies. Kahoot! Homework: What works for me? |
Emotional Autonomy and Social Skills | To promote basic social skills To demonstrate respect for others To increase a positive attitude and personal self-efficacy To enhance self-esteem |
SESSION 7: I Liked myself! Positive Self-Talk. Kahoot! Homework: Creating my healthy habits roulette! SESSION 8: The invisible backpack: stones or bubbles? Kahoot! Homework: Practice being nice. How can I help you? SESSION 9: Use of messages “I feel …” Improving our communication. Kahoot! Homework: Letter of Thanks. |
Life-skills and Well-Being | To promote occupational balance To learn skills of management of time |
SESSION 10: The time thief. Kahoot! Homework: Occupational balance in my life! |