Table 7.
Description of maternal physical activity, newborn body composition assessment and timing, and summary of key findings.
Randomized Control Trial | |||||
Authors, Year, Ref. | Description of Maternal PA * | Newborn Body Comp. ASMT ** | ASMT Timing *** |
Key Findings | Body Comp.Diff. at Birth |
Barakat et al., 2009 [17] | Resistance Training 3×/w | PI | At birth | No sig. assoc. between training women and infant outcomes. Control women’s pre-pregnancy weight positively assoc. with infant birthweight. | No |
Bisson et al., 2015 [18] | Aerobics 3×/w; Resistance Training 3×/w; Accelerometer; PPAQ |
SF | w/n 72 h of birth | No sig. diff. in infant outcomes between the training and control group. | No |
Clapp et al., 2000 [19] | Aerobics 3×/w | SF PI TBEC |
At birth TBEC at 5 days |
Infants were sig. heavier, longer, and had more lean mass in the exercise group compared to the control group. All other infant outcomes not sig. diff. | No |
Clapp et al., 2002 [20] | Aerobics 3–5×/w | SF PI TBEC |
At birth TBEC at 5 days |
Infants with moms who slowly increased exercise volume from first trimester (low) to third (high) were sig. smaller (smaller birth weight, smaller PI, body fat percent, fat mass and lean mass) than those infants whose moms started the first trimester with a high volume and decreased volume throughout pregnancy (high–low). | Yes |
Clark et al., 2019 [21] | Aerobics 3×/w; MPAQ; HR monitoring |
PI BMI Abd. Cir. |
At birth | Pre-pregnancy PA levels sig. assoc. with PI and BMI. Infant head circumference in the exercise group significantly larger than infants in the control group. | No |
Garnaes et al., 2017 [22] | Aerobics 3×/w; Resistance Training 2×/w |
SF Abd. Cir. |
At birth | No sig. diff. in infant outcomes between exercise and control group. | No |
Hoffman et al., 2019 [23] | PPAQ | BMI | At birth | Women who were more active in late pregnancy sig. assoc. with a larger infant birthweight. | No |
Hopkins et al., 2010 [24] | Aerobics 5×/w; HR monitoring |
w/n 48 h of birth DXA at 17 days |
15 w exercise program during later pregnancy assoc. with reduced birth weights, but there were equal reductions in FM/FFM to account for the difference in weight, not just fat mass reductions, between the exercise and control groups. BMI sig. lower at birth in exercise vs. control; however, PI was not sig. diff. | No |
Seneviratne et al., 2017 [25] | PPAQ; Aerobics 3–5×/w |
w/n 2 w of birth | No sig. diff. in infant outcomes between the exercise and control group. | No |
Seneviratne et al., 2016 [26] | Aerobics 3–5×/w | PI BMI |
At birth | No sig. diff. in infant outcomes between exercise and control groups. | No |
Sklempe Kokic et al., 2018 [27] | PPAQ; Aerobics 2×/w; Resistance Training 2×/w |
PI | At birth | No sig. diff. in infant outcomes between the exercise and control group | No |
Trak-Fellermeier et al., 2019 [28] | Accelerometer | SF PI Abd. Cir. |
w/n one week | No sig. diff. in infant outcomes between the exercise and control group. SF data not presented | No |
Van Poppel, et al., 2019 [29] | Aerobics 2×/w; PPAQ; Interview |
SF Abd. Cir. |
w/n 48 h of birth | No sig. diff. in infant outcomes between exercise and control group. | No |
* Description of maternal physical activity (PA); times per week (x/w); pregnancy physical activity questionnaire (PPAQ); modifiable physical activity questionnaire (MPAQ); heart rate (HR); ** Newborn body composition (Comp.) assessment (ASMT); ponderal index (PI); skin fold (SF); total body electrical conductivity (TBEC); body mass index (BMI); dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) abdominal circumference (Abd. Cir.); *** Assessment (ASTM) timing; within (w/n); hours (h).