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. 2022 Jul;112(7):985–989. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2022.306835


Demographics of IWantTheKit Users Requesting CT/NG and HIV Testing Kits: Baltimore, MD, September 2019–March 2020 and April 2020–October 2020

Characteristic Group A: All Users (n = 1670) Group B: Users Ordering CT/NG Kits Onlya (n = 627) Group C: Users Ordering CT/NG and HIV Testing Kitsa (n = 1043)
Pre-COVID-19b (n = 195), No. (%) During COVID-19b (n = 1475), No. (%) Pre-COVID-19 (n = 125), No. (%) During COVID-19c (n = 502), No. (%) Pre-COVID-19d (n = 70), No. (%) During COVID-19 (n = 973), No. (%)
Age, y
 ≤ 17 0 10 (0.7) 0 10 (2.0) 0 0
 18–24 66 (33.8) 440 (29.8) 35 (28.0) 151 (30.1) 31 (44.3) 289 (29.7)
 25–34 91 (46.7) 724 (49.1) 62 (49.6) 237 (47.2) 29 (41.4) 487 (50.1)
 35–44 29 (14.9) 186 (12.6) 22 (17.6) 61 (12.2) 7 (10.0) 125 (12.8)
 45–54 9 (4.6) 66 (4.5) 6 (4.8) 23 (4.6) 3 (4.3) 43 (4.4)
 ≥ 55 0 49 (3.3) 0 20 (4.0) 0 29 (3.0)
Pe .039 .051 .11
Gender identity
 Female 108 (55.4) 625 (42.4) 60 (48.0) 199 (39.6) 48 (68.6) 426 (43.8)
 Male 85 (43.6) 815 (55.3) 63 (50.4) 293 (58.4) 22 (31.4) 522 (53.6)
 Other 2 (1.0) 35 (2.4) 2 (1.6) 10 (2.0) 0 25 (2.6)
P .002 .26 < .001
 Alaska Native/Native American 0 9 (0.6) 0 1 (0.2) 0 8 (0.8)
 Asian/Pacific Islander 17 (8.7) 52 (3.5) 10 (8.0) 13 (2.6) 7 (10.0) 39 (4.0)
 Black 72 (36.9) 1036 (70.2) 47 (37.6) 356 (70.9) 25 (35.7) 680 (69.9)
 Multiracial 20 (10.3) 91 (6.2) 13 (10.4) 26 (5.2) 7 (10.0) 65 (6.7)
 White 78 (40.0) 232 (15.7) 50 (40.0) 85 (16.9) 28 (40.0) 147 (15.1)
 Unknown 8 (4.1) 55 (3.7) 5 (4.0) 21 (4.2) 3 (4.3) 34 (3.5)
P < .001 < .001 < .001

Note. CT = Chlamydia trachomatis; NG = Neisseria gonorrhoeae. We performed the Fisher exact test for all comparisons. We performed all statistical analyses using Stata/IC version 15 (StataCorp, College Station, TX).


Users could order swabs only, HIV test only, or a combination.


Before COVID-19 = September 2019–March 2020; during COVID-19 = April–October 2020.


One user ordering sexually transmitted infections kits only during COVID-19 had missing age and race information.


HIV test kits became available in January 2020, before COVID-19.


The category of ≤ 17 y in group C was not included in the comparison because of zero count.