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. 2022 Jun 12;19(12):7198. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19127198

Table 2.

Prevalence of substance use (SU) among people living with HIV (PLWH) in Latin America.

Country Population Definition of SU Prevalence of SU Study
Brazil PLWH (Bahia) Alcohol use, current alcohol use 42.4%, 38.5% [99,100]
Illicit drug use 4.9–11.5%
Alcohol and non-injectable illicit drug use 11.8%
Smoking 80.8%
PLWH with TB (Ceará) Smoking 33.5% [182]
History of alcoholism 42.0%
History of illicit drug use 26.5%
PLWH (Ceará) Alcohol use disorder 40.0–49.5% [140,183]
History of alcohol consumption 44.8%
Alcohol use 20.5%
Alcohol dependence 19.0%
Risky alcohol consumption 10.5%
Illicit drug use 19.3%
Drug use 12.7%
PLWH with HBV (Ceará) IDU 9.1% [184]
Inhaled cocaine use 12.0%
Alcohol use 36.0%
PLWH with HCV (Ceará) IDU 22.2%
Inhaled cocaine use 16.7%
Alcohol use 44.4%
PLWH (Espírito Santo) Smoking 22.6% [21]
Alcohol use 32.8%
Illicit drug use 4.5%
PLWH (Goiás) Current, former smoking 24.1%, 23.8% [185]
Risky consumption of alcohol 71.4%
PLWH (Goiás) Alcohol use 41.8% [114,186]
Illicit drug use 13.2–25.7%
PLWH (Minas Gerais) Hazardous alcohol use (male, female) 8.6%, 16.0% [103]
PLWH (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro) Previous smoking 28.3% [187]
Current smoking 37.6%
Past alcohol use 35.0%
Current alcohol use 57.7%
History of illicit drug use 52.5%
Pregnant women with HIV with drug use history (Minas Gerais) Drug use during pregnancy 7.6% [58]
Smoking during pregnancy 52.9%
Alcohol use during pregnancy 30.6%
Smoking and alcohol use during pregnancy 18.8%
Drug use prior to pregnancy
    Cocaine 16.7%
    Crack 43.4%
    Cocaine and crack 8.3%
    Marijuana 15%
    Cocaine, crack and marijuana 8.3%
    Other types of drugs 8.4%
PLWH (Minas Gerais) Alcohol use 40.2–80.2% [13,188,189]
Smoking 22.8–26.1%
Illicit drug use 4.4–50.3%
PLWH with TB (Minas Gerais) Alcoholism 30.7% [190]
Illicit drug use 23.5%
Smoking 26.8%
PLWH (Pernambuco) Smoking 28.9–54.7% [109,127,191]
Alcohol use 35.6%
Illicit drug use
PLWH with pulmonary TB (Pernambuco) Illicit drug use 30.9% [192]
PLWH (Rio de Janeiro) Smoking (lifetime, last 3 months) 23.9–55.3%, 21–20.9% [135,193,194]
Alcohol use (lifetime, last 3 months) 23.1%, 34.3%
Marijuana (lifetime) 23.1%
Cocaine (lifetime) 20.7%
Polysubstance (last 3 months) 2.4%
PLWH with MDR TB (Rio de Janeiro) Illicit drug use 19.2% [195]
Women living with HIV (Rio de Janeiro) Current or past smoking 42.4% [196]
Lifetime illicit drug use 16.6%
Men living with HIV (Rio de Janeiro) Alcohol misuse 34% [113]
Non-IDU 76.7%
Pregnant women with HIV (Rio de Janeiro) Illicit drug use (before, during pregnancy) 18%, 6% [95]
Alcohol use (before, during pregnancy) 51.3%, 14%
Smoking (before, during pregnancy) 33%, 15%
PLWH (Rio Grande do Norte) Smoking 12% [197]
Alcohol use 29%
Illicit drug use 8%
Hospitalized PLWH (Rio Grande do Norte) Smoking 41% [98]
Alcohol use 51%
Illicit drug use during week of admission 31%
PLWH (Rio Grande do Sul) Propensity for alcoholism 37.5% [12,94,123,198,199,200]
Possible alcohol dependence 5%
Alcohol (weekly use, use, harmful use, abuse) 31.1%, 58.4%, 7.9%, 28.6%
Alcohol or drug use 7.8%
Inhaled drug use 33.1%
IDU 13.9%
Smoking 54.7%
People with AIDS (Rio Grande do Sul) IDU 12.2% [39]
PLWH attending Special Assistance Services (Rio Grande do Sul) Smoking (abuse or addiction) 45.6% [134]
Alcohol abuse or addiction 32.7%
Other substance abuse or addiction 15.7%
PLWH with TB (Rio Grande do Sul) Alcoholism 25.7–44.0% [201,202]
Smoking 40%
Illicit drug use 37.5%
Women living with HIV (Rio Grande do Sul) History of drug use 29.8% [203]
Mothers living with HIV (Rio Grande do Sul) Drug use 28.9% [59]
PLWH with oral lesions (Rio Grande do Sul) Smoking 30.7% [204]
Illicit drug use 17.2%
Alcoholism 14.4%
PLWH (Santa Catarina) Smoking, current smoking 45.9%, 32.1% [131,205]
Alcoholism, alcohol use 13.3%, 31.1%
Illicit drug use 10%
PLWH (São Paulo) Alcohol use in last month (any amount, >1 time/week) 50%, 16.9% [73,120,126,206,207]
Alcohol use, risky use, harmful use, abuse, dependence 40.6%, 14%, 12.6%, 18.3%, 5.5%
Illicit drug use (in the last month) 9.3–10%
SU (last month, last year) 38%, 62%
Alcohol use during sex 42.6%
Drug use during sex 19.6%
PLWH without AIDS (São Paulo) IDU (Pre-ART period, post-ART period) 21%, 8% [128]
LGBT PLWH (São Paulo) Drug use 76.5% [208]
Women living with HIV (São Paulo) Crack use 3% [22]
Other drug use 10%
TGW living with HIV (São Paulo) Illicit or recreational drug use 46% [132]
PLWH (multicentric) Abusive use of alcohol (Recife, Goiania, Porto Alegre) 22.8%, 26.3%, 5.6% [115]
Current smoking (Recife, Goiania, Porto Alegre) 24.4%, 23.0%, 42.3%
Lifetime use of crack (Recife, Porto Alegre) 6.0%, 8.9%
Lifetime use of cocaine (Recife, Goiania, Porto Alegre) 9.0%, 10.7%, 29.6%
PLWH on ART (multicentric) IDU (male, female, starting ART in 2006, starting ART in 2015) 3%, 0.6%, 6.8%, 1,4% [142]
Non-IDU (female) 23%
Women living with HIV (multicentric) Smoking 19.6% [209]
Illicit drug use 18.7%
PLWH (nationwide) Alcohol use 49.5% [210]
Smoking 45.3%
Amphetamines 1.7%
Marijuana 10.5%
Powder cocaine 3.6%
Crack cocaine 5.3%
Inhalants 3.6%
Ketamine 1.7%
Opioids 1.7%
Ecuador Newborns with HIV (Babahoyo) Mothers using parenteral drugs 38% [23]
Peru PLWH (Lima) Current smoking 16.6% [14]
Current alcohol use, pathological use 30.7%, 3.4%
Marijuana use (past, current) 11.7%, 1%
Past cocaine paste use 10.2%
Past cocaine use 7.8%
Other past drug use (crack, poppers, terokal) 1.4%
TGW living with HIV (Lima) Hazardous alcohol use 40% [15]
Harmful alcohol use 2%
Alcohol dependency 12%
Low drug use severity 28%
Moderate drug use severity 4%
Substantial or severe drug use severity 6%
PLWH from tertiary care center (Lima) Illicit drug use 6.9% [90]
MSM and TGW living with HIV (Lima) Alcohol use disorder 28.0–43.2% [24,211]
Alcohol dependence 3.9%–5.3%
Recent drug use 6.0%
Low drug use severity 20.2%
Moderate drug use severity 5.3%
Substantial drug use severity 1.7%
Mexico PLWH (Jalisco) Smoking 60% [18]
Alcohol use 73%
Drug abuse 59%
PLWH (San Luis Potosi) Alcohol use (Male, Female) 45%, 20% [106]
Drug use (Male, Female) 21%, 3%
PLWH (Mexico City) Illicit drug use 20.7% [25]
Nicotine use 24.3%
Recently pregnant women with HIV (Mexico City) IDU, cocaine or heroin use 0% [17]
Marijuana use 2%
Inhaled solvent use 26%
Current smoking 20%
Alcohol use in last 6 months 23%
PLWH (Puebla) Drug or alcohol addiction 30.6% [112]
Venezuela PLWH (Valencia) Inhaled drug use or IDU 8.4% [26]
Smoking 0.5 pack/year 50%
Smoking 0.15 pack/year 16%
Chile PLWH (Araucanía, Metropolitan) Drug use (Mapuche, other ethnicity) 8.6%, 17.2% [27]
Colombia PLWH (Bogota) Alcohol use [28]
    ≤1 time/month 55.8%
    2–4 times/month 14.0%
    2–3 times/week 2.3%
Smoking 23.3%
Drug use 7.0%
PLWH from a tertiary care center Psychoactive substance use 62% [29]
Argentina Prisoners living with HIV (Buenos Aires) Hazardous alcohol use 23% [20]
Alcohol dependence 39%
SU in 30 days prior to incarceration
    Cocaine 46%
    Crack 46%
    Opioids 2%
    Benzodiazepines 19%
TGW with HIV initiating ART (Buenos Aires) Hazardous alcohol use 52.5% [19,139]
Drug abuse 13.1%
Cocaine use in past year 52.5%
Marijuana use in past year 54.1%
PLWH disengaged from HIV care (multicentric) SU in last 6 months (TGW, cisgender) 73.2%, 24.2% [32]
Cocaine in last 6 months (TGW, cisgender) 76.7%, 24.2%
Substance-related problems (TGW, cisgender) 39.0%, 10.3%
Hazardous alcohol use (TGW, cisgender) 46.3%, 23.1%
PLWH reengaging in HIV care (multicentric) Substance abuse 19% [31]
Guatemala PLWH attending an Infectious Diseases clinic (Guatemala City) Smoking 11.65 [16]
Excessive alcohol consumption 9.8%
Prior illicit drug use 10.5%
Uruguay PLWH who died from AIDS (nationwide) History of drug use 46.4% [30]
History of IDU 11.4%
Multi-country PLWH (Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Santiago, Chile; Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Mexico City, Mexico; Lima, Peru) >3 drinks of alcohol in last 7 days 13.7%
Marijuana use in last 7 days 4.1%
Cocaine use in last 7 days 1.4%
Crack use in last 7 days 0.3%
Heroin use in last 7 days 0.1%
Any illicit drug use in last 7 days 5.0%
PLWH (Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Santiago, Chile; Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Mexico City, Mexico; Lima, Peru) Alcohol use only 26.2% [130]
Non-IDU only 2.1%
Alcohol + non-IDU 3.5%