Fitted parameters for basic model (data sets 2B to 2F)
Symbol | Parameter | Estimate | 90% CIa |
SS | Sum of squares statistic (20 degrees of freedom) | 51 | <65 |
μ | Substrate mycelial basic growth rate | 3.0 day−1 | 2.8–3.3 |
K | Vegetative capacity | 4.5 × 106 CFU g−1 | 2.8–6.8 (×106) |
k | Rate of differentiation of germlings to substrate mycelia | 1.1 day−1 | 0.65–1.6 |
Pd | Success probability of germling differentiation | 0.0083 | 0.0025–0.019 |
b | Burst size | 300 | >150 |
β+b | Adsorption rate of phage to mycelia | β+K = 99 day−1 | 23–440 |
β−c | Rate of release of phage from mycelia | β−/β+K = 0.033 | 0.019–0.052 |
l | Infection rate (rate of adsorbed phage entering host) | 1.9 day−1 | 0.66–16 |
ωG | Rate germlings become resistant to phage attack | 1.3 day−1 | 0.6–6.2 |
ωT | Rate mature mycelia become resistant to phage attack | >29 day−1 |
CI, confidence interval.
The rate β+K is estimated normalizing adsorption to a mycelial mat at density K.
The ratio β−/(β+K) is estimated since this determines the equilibrium state.