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. 2022 Jun 20;11(12):3558. doi: 10.3390/jcm11123558

Table 2.

Coronary anatomy and revascularization based on presentation with or without ST-segment elevation.

All Patients (n = 239) STEMI Patients (n = 190) NSTEMI Patients (n = 49) p Value
Catheterization lab data
Coronary angiography 221 (92.5) 175 (92.1) 46 (93.9) 1
Main epicardial coronary arteries ≥70% stenosis
  0 2 (0.9) 2 (1.1) 0 1
  1 52 (23.5) 52 (29.7) 0 <0.001
  2 69 (31.2) 60 (34.3) 9 (19.6) 0.055
  3 98 (44.3) 61 (34.9) 37 (80.4) <0.001
Left main ≥ 50% stenosis 63 (28.5) 36 (20.6) 27 (58.7) <0.001
Infarct-related artery
  None 2 (0.9) 2 (1.1) 0 1.000
  Left main 46 (20.8) 27 (15.4) 19 (41.3) <0.001
  Left anterior descending 94 (42.5) 79 (45.1) 15 (32.6) 0.126
  Ramus intermedius 3 (1.4) 1 (0.6) 2 (4.3) 0.111
  Circumflex 25 (11.3) 19 (10.9) 6 (13.0) 0.677
  Right coronary 48 (21.7) 45 (25.7) 3 (6.5) 0.004
  Other 3 (1.4) 2 (1.1) 1 (2.2) 0.505
TIMI flow grade
  0 138 (62.4) 130 (74.3) 8 (17.4) <0.001
  1 19 (8.6) 17 (9.7) 2 (4.3) 0.377
  2 23 (10.4) 15 (8.6) 8 (17.4) 0.081
  3 41 (18.6) 13 (7.4) 28 (60.9) <0.001
Revascularization data
Revascularization 211 (88.3) 166 (87.4) 45 (91.8) 0.465
  In the first 24 h 208 (98.6) 166 (100) 42 (93.3) 0.009
PCI 209 (87.4) 166 (87.4) 43 (87.8) 0.942
  PCI in the first 24 h 206 (98.6) 166 (100) 40 (93.0) 0.008
  Primary PCI - 154 (92.8) - -
  Symptom onset-to-balloon, min - 215 (144–444) - -
  TIMI flow grade after PCI
    0 17 (8.1) 16 (9.6) 1 (2.3) 0.206
    1 11 (5.3) 11 (6.6) 0 0.125
    2 27 (12.9) 25 (15.1) 2 (4.7) 0.078
    3 154 (73.7) 114 (68.7) 40 (93.0) 0.001
  PCI + staged CABG 3 (1.4) 1 (0.6) 2 (4.7) 0.108
  Time to staged CABG, days 26 (3–63) 63 (63–63) 15 (3–26) 1
CABG 2 (0.8) 0 2 (4.1) 0.041
  CABG in the first 24 h 2 (100) - 2 (100) -

Values are given as n (%) unless otherwise noted. STEMI, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; NSTEMI, non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft.